If you have been involved with any organization, you will know the value of a great bookkeeper. We had a great bookkeeper working with us for the abattoir / Rainy River Meats and she has decided to part with us. We are fortunate that we have found someone to replace her but let me tell you it is not as easy as dropping off books. Phone calls, letters and changing of signatures to banks, suppliers, and anyone else we potentially might do business with is a very time-consuming job for a volunteer board. We are thankful that we live in a small community as at least when we talk with our bank, they know us and are familiar with the groups we are working with. This is just a reminder to appreciate whoever you have taking care of the business side of things! Don’t take any of that stuff for granted.
Since Saturday was a bit of a miserable day with a cold wind, I opted out of bringing my cows home to process. I am watching the weather and thinking it might be a Sunday job this weekend or next. Both Maddie and Marlee are playing for the Muskies, and they are hosting their annual tea this Saturday so I will be off the support the team. We are missing my dad as the team is selling tickets; “Hat-Trick Raffle” and he would have been driving around selling you a ticket. We are not doing nearly as good as he would have. I would be glad to sell you a ticket though, if you are interested! Tickets are $10 each and there are three cash prices of $2500, $1000, and $500.
I will be presenting at a webinar this week with the Beef Research Council. I am a bit nervous as I don’t feel that I have done a great job of preparing. It seems like we have million things going on and I think it is partially that we all have realized that year-end is near, and we need to complete a bunch of jobs that have been sitting on our lists. I will do my best to talk about how we survived the drought and what we fed our cattle. I tend to be able to talk better off the hip that a prepared speech!
The Elk Technical Advisory Committee has reached out to me about dealing with the elk and they are wanting to find solutions to keep the elk around and keep farmers happy. It would be easy if the elk would just stay away from our feed, but we know that isn’t a real easy task. Near Sault Ste. Marie they have experienced these frustrations as well so I think there will be some brain storming going on. They are back at my place again, but I am hoping that there is a bit more feed around this year, and they will stay away from our hay storage.
The Rainy River Cattlemen’s Association have decided on their 2023 Sale Dates. Mark these down now: April 29, September 9, September 30 October 21 and November 4!