Loving that mild weather

I bet everyone is welcoming this weather! The sunshine is great and makes us all feel alive again (or, like a cat, we could just curl up in the sun and sleep).
I still have 10 cows to calve and I was hoping to have most of them done by March 12, which would make it one month since my beginning date. I’m not sure how many of those 10 will calve by tomorrow but it certainly won’t be all of them.
I still have been going out every two-and-a-half to three hours, but I might be able to slack off a bit now that the weather has improved.
The darn time change, which meant losing an hour of sleep on Sunday morning, certainly wasn’t welcome and I find it harder dragging my butt out of bed for the day now that it’s dark again in the morning.
But I guess that won’t last too long!
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Marlee hosted three of her friends out in the country on Saturday. I was tied up with the Environmental Farm Plan for the morning, but I had saved up a bunch of farm jobs for my return.
We had a cow that wasn’t allowing her calf to suck outside, so she was back in the barn and we kept an eye on her. We also had to feed the cows (it was quite a tractor cab full of little girls) and put bedding out for them.
The girls were great helpers and seemed to quite enjoy their day on the farm. It was even greater to sit back and smile quietly while listening to their conversations.
They had decided when they grow up who would be “Auntie Kimmie” and who would be “Grandma” (“Grandma just needs to come and help chase the cows”).
They also needed a vet, since sometime the animals get sick, so one of them was going to be “Stacey.”
I was a bit concerned while I overheard Marlee explaining to them about “what happens in the country stays in the country,” but I just listened.
We were all heading over to Grandma’s and the one little girl asked to sit in the front with “Roxee.” She said to me, “So are the Emo Rules that it is okay to sit in the front seat?”
I smiled and replied, “Well, yes!” (hoping the entire time that all the parents were okay with these “Emo Rules!”).
They really were well-behaved and very polite. I enjoyed being in the background while they all were gathered around my kitchen table chatting away with each other while they tapped their pop cans together and said “Cheers!”
I thought to myself that in a few years, they won’t want to be sitting around my table “cheering” with each other while I was there, so I best just sit back and take it all in.
It would have been great to have a cow calve while I had my little guests but, of course, that didn’t happen until the next morning!
But Marlee was back so she was able to witness it once again.
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A reminder the Nor-West Animal Clinic is hosting an equine seminar this Sunday (March 15) at 1 p.m. upstairs in the Emo Arena.
Along with our own local vets, Dr. Chris Bell will be speaking.
The clinic would appreciate if you could RSVP with them, as well.