Hay weighs heavy on the mind as Emo Fair Week fast approaches

So here we are, August! Generally, we should just be hauling hay home but not this year; there is plenty of hay yet to make. Producers are extremely frustrated and really questioning what we are doing. The weather is unchangeable, but the forecasts have been horrible. It seems so strange that with all the technology we have these days no one can seem to give us a good weather forecast. Even if the chance of precipitation is somewhat accurate the precipitation amounts have been way off. With a long weekend I was excited to make some headway with hay. We haven’t made any hay since Friday! We have hay cut but an unexpected shower came Saturday and a bit more on Sunday and overcast – there was just no chance. Then tonight as I prepare to go back to work at 7:15 p.m. the sun pops out! I drove to the field this morning with the rake and then looked at the cloud cover and turned around and came back home. I checked the field I cut Friday night, and it looked like the night I cut it. I decided to haul some hay and work on my fair cattle. I have a lot of Fair prep to do this week and I am not sure how well I am going to do. My heart isn’t in it this year because my brain just thinks about making hay. I haven’t done much work with my cattle either, but I am counting on them to behave for me. I will work every day this week with them, but I should have them clipped already and they are not ready for that yet. I ended up bringing the whole herd home on Saturday to get a cow with a heifer calf in. The cow is good to go but the heifer needs some time. Calves are not easy to train but I have enough stubbornness in me that I won’t give up on her.

We spent a good part of the week just getting ourselves back organized at work and back into the plots. Looks like the winter wheat should be ready to combine this week and with rain coming again on Wednesday / Thursday we may have to try and tackle that Tuesday. I am a bit nervous because I will have to re-learn my new combine all over again. That is the worst of seasonal equipment! Tori will be leaving right after the Fall Fair so we need to tackle as many jobs as we can while we have three of us.

Ted and Deb Zimmerman celebrated 45 years of marriage over the weekend. Bill & Carole McLean celebrated 65 years! Congratulations to both couples!

KB Ranch is hosting their Market Day at their Farm today, August 7. It was a huge success last year and I am certain you won’t want to miss out. Kerry has a Cow Pie Bingo planned! The Market Day takes place from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m. – be sure to check it all out!

Pinewood Crop Services / Brielmann Ag is hosting a customer appreciation day on Friday August 9 at 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome right at the bin yard in Pinewood.