Final cattle sale of the year a success

Well, we finished our last cattle sale for 2023! I have mixed feelings; part of me is sad that it is over and part of me happy that it is over. The truth is most of us that work that really love it and enjoy every bit of it! We are not there for our own benefit, but we enjoy seeing our community succeed. We sold 1134 head for $2,117,861.27. It was another strong sale and I think most producers should be happy. We sold 54 bred cows and one breeding bull and I hope that the producers that consigned these animals were happy with their results. The dispersal heard from Thunder Bay certainly made me a bit emotional. This young family is going through a tough time as the wife is battling cancer. They made the decision to sell their cows and concentrate on her health and spending time with their two young boys. Watching a herd go through the ring is a bit tough and more so knowing the circumstances. So, on a better note – we sold 5044 head through our local sales barn for a total of $9,773,357.06!  That is exciting and let me tell you as a farmer we spend that money right in our district for the most part it is already spent before we receive it! We are very thankful for the for the people that bring us cattle, the people that purchase our cattle and those who work for us. James Gibson is our Sales Barn Manager and naturally he takes a lot of flack. He deserves a big thank you for all that he does. He should be over seeing the business but tends to do a lot of physical work. He often doesn’t hear about the good things he does just the more negative side. As well our president is Murray McDonald and though he has a lot on his plate he spends a lot of time checking on the sales barn and using his own resources to keep the place in tip top shape. We all should take some time and give both guys some praise and positive feed back.

This weather is not enjoyable and not favourable for people trying to sort, move and wean livestock. I realize I was complaining about the cold, but this rain / wet snow will cause havoc on animal health. For anyone trying to do field work it is going to put them into a hard stop. I see friends in Southern Ontario still making hay and it reminds me how large this province is once again. I think this weather is headed their way but hay making days are over for 2023 in Rainy River.

More than 1,000 cattle were sold on Saturday’s last auction of the season. The facility has seen millions of dollars pass through its ring. – Kim Jo Bliss photo

If you are interested in attending the RRFA AGM taking place on November 18th at the Emo Legion, please reach out to any RRFA Director for tickets. It sounds like the entertainment they have lined up is top of the line! Everyone is welcome to attend – you don’t have to be a farmer!

Just a quick reminder…. I know many people still struggle with good enough internet to participate in webinar or zoom meetings. This is the time of the year that many events are being posted. If you see something that you are interested in participating in but don’t know if your internet will allow, please reach out to me and if I am able I would be willing to set things up at the Sales Barn. Like I have said before BCRC (Beef Cattle Research Council) have an excellent series of speakers coming up and so does OMARFA. Happy to help if I can.