Wow–what a great week in terms of the weather!
We certainly have had a great start on planting here at the Emo Agricultural Research Station. We are holding off planting soybeans until next week but we have been busy with everything else.
Of course, we still are waiting on seeds and protocols, but we quickly can pop them into the ground as they come in.
Many farmers have completed their spring seeding while others have had a great start!
It’s nice that we are getting this early start after such a miserable year in 2014.
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I spent the entire weekend at home farming and was amazed at how much work you accomplish by staying home.
I missed a 4-H training session but I just couldn’t bear to leave with such good weather to work at home.
We sorted out cows for breeding and let the bulls out. Calves, meanwhile, were given their vaccine booster and sorted out with their moms in their new spot on the farm.
We still are waiting for our sheep to be sheared but we put all but two moms outside with their new families (it was too messy in the barn with all the new lambs).
Our last ewe lambed on Sunday–she had triplets. Last year she had quads so she’ll have a little less busy time this year.
We also cleaned the barn (sheep are harder to keep clean than cows I find). We did this all without the help of Maddie and Marlee, who were busy with their garage sale this weekend.
As well, I did some yard work and was hoping to cut some grass. Alas, the lawn mower didn’t want to start so I decided I should go fencing!
I managed to get around all my own pasture and only had a few trees to cut off the fence. There were a few staples that had been knocked out by deer but generally things were in good shape.
It is quite amazing to see how dry it actually is for this time of the year–it is more like the beginning of June. I’m not complaining but it certainly is different for us.
I decided to whipper-snip all the dead grass under the electric fence for the sheep. It was a good time to do it since the long grass was still dry so it cut quite quickly.
The new lambs struggle for a bit to understand why the fence snaps at them.
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We are bringing some lambs to the farmers’ market this Saturday (May 9) so be sure to stop in and see them. They grow quickly so this is likely the best weekend.
Plus it’s the Mother’s Day market so it seems appropriate to show off some of our mamma.
I also understand M.A. Photography will be on hand to take pictures with a lamb or two.
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The Rainy River Stewardship trees have arrived here at EARS.
If you pre-booked, I will call and let you know they are in. If anyone else is interested in them, we have red pine, white spruce, and cedar.
They are $5 per bundle (the red pine and white spruce are in bundles of 20 while the cedar are in a bundle of 10).
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Wishing everyone a great week and, once again, be sure to get out and enjoy this incredible spring weather!