Marlee’s heifer from Manitoba calved on Saturday and gave us a nice little heifer.
Sometimes finding names are challenging but she thought “Addie” (after her BFF) would be a good choice.
We have quite a few cows that are getting pretty close now, and so the fun begins of picking and choosing the right ones to bring in.
At least it isn’t quite so stressful as long as the weather stays decent.
These first three calves have been perfect heifer birth weights of 60, 65, and 70 pounds. They do seem quite tiny but being alive and healthy is the best part!
Maddie and Marlee were so busy over the weekend with their hockey tournament that they didn’t get out until late Sunday. They were so excited to see their babies and check on who is getting close!
My vet cousin’s kids were spending the week with their grandparents and were pleased to visit the calves, as well.
Callen and Charlie also spent some time with “Roxee” and me so it was a pretty fun week!
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Bernice is looking for applications for the upcoming season at the Rainy River Community Pasture.
Applications are due by March 1, with last season’s producers given preference.
If you would like an application, or need more information, call Bernice at 275-5730.
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Sadly, our community had to say good-bye to two young people over the weekend.
Sympathy is extended to the Bonot family and the Krahn family.
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The Rainy River District 4-H Association held its annual meeting Friday night.
Nadine Gerula (president), Krista Williams (vice-president), Wanda Heyens (secretary), and Kim Desserre (treasurer) were named to the board.
Thanks for taking on these roles and keeping 4-H alive and well in our district.
We always are open to new volunteers and members. And remember—you don’t need to live on a farm to be involved with this great program!
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As mentioned, the Bliss family was pretty busy this weekend with the girls’ home hockey tournament.
Grandma and Grandpa are absolutely loving hockey life once again.
Congratulations to the Tim Hortons’ squad, who won the Novice tournament in overtime. It was a very close, exciting game (Grandma Bliss was freaking out the game would end up in a shootout!)
It also was awesome that the opposing team was the other Novice team from Fort Frances!
Congrats to the entire bunch of hockey players and, of course, the organizers. I heard their sock-hop dance was perfect!
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The Rainy River Regional Abattoir is in need of cull cows and more slaughter days.
If you have anything to slaughter, get in touch with Dale Pollard A.S.A.P. at 482-3028 or 271-0340.
We really are scrambling right now to get situate ourselves in better financial health.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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I read an interesting fact the other day: the average farmer gets 584 hours less sleep per year than the average person!