Well, most time after the August long weekend we would be celebrating the end of haying. Not so this year. I would celebrate 3 or 4 days in a row without rain at this point. Our fields are wet, but we continued to cut. I thought we might have a window on Sunday to bale but that ended at 4 in the morning with rain, ¾ of an inch that is not needed. It was a month of rubber boots. Most times they are put away until later this month. I had to track my cattle down over the weekend to make sure they were doing well. They don’t have to come to water this year – it is everywhere. In fact, it is hard checking them it is so wet. Marlee and I might have got stuck on the side by side and had to get a pull to get out. Thankfully it was a time that I had my cell phone with me. My lawn looks like a swamp in most places so just think of that on acres and acres of hay land. I have heard so many times “well it looks like you have lots of hay this year!” Yes, we do, but it doesn’t do us any good if we can’t get it baled up for feed this winter. Hoping we don’t have to make decisions to get rid of cows this year because of this. That is not a fun decision. From May 1 to August 2, we have had 404.3 mm of rain (16”) – normal is around 280 mm. Though July was wetter than normal nothing beats May at 2.6 times more than normal. Our CHU is sitting at 1608. We have had colder years and we have had hotter years.
A couple of reminders – The Rainy River Soil & Crop Tour will begin this Thursday at 9:00 a.m. at John & Jacob Gerbers. It looks like a great day ahead. The Research Station Open house will start at 7:00 p.m. I am hoping these dates will trigger good weather as we want to see everyone out, but the weather will be so good we will be making hay! As well, The August Cattle Sale date is August 27. James has been travelling the roads looking for cattle, but he isn’t finding producers at home. I figure everyone is off holidaying because they can’t make hay. (haha) If you have cattle to consign, please reach out to James at 271-2005.
Marlee’s 4-H heifer is starting to improve. Thankfully my mom and Charlie did a good job of looking after her while I was away last week in Guelph. I hope she continues in that direction. She has been a wonderful patient. Marlee and I bathed and clipped our heifers but decided we maybe should bring a cow calf in. After we got them home, we noticed the cow seems to have a bit of a sore foot, but we are hoping that being treated extra special that will not be an issue. The mud is hard on cattle feet. We still have plenty of training to do but if I am not making hay I can work with the animals. I was very proud of Marlee for clipping her animal all by herself! Thanks to Aaron for putting on such a good demonstration at our Fun Day that gave Marlee the confidence and direction to do that!
I was lucky enough to meet another new little lady last week. Kayla (Stang) & Carter were visiting with their new baby girl, Harper! I wish them very best with their new little girl and home! They are grain farmers in MB but Kayla worked with me at the Research Station.