The IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s will be held this Saturday June 18, at the Fort Frances High School running track. Registration starts at 10:30 a.m., with the walk getting underway at 11 a.m. A barbecue will follow.
The Canada Day Mini King and Queen is back! Registration will be open June 19 to June 24, for kids aged four to seven. Registration is $5. To sign up, call Melissa Gushulak at 275-8526.
Pride Month activities are underway! For a full listing of Pride Month events, visit
Fort Frances Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony tickets are available for purchase at Taggs Source for Sports. Tickets are $50 per person, and are expected to sell out, so don’t delay. The event will include cocktails and dinner at La Place Rendezvous, on Saturday, August 13.
A free concert is being organized for Canada Day, featuring Twin Flames at The Duke. Stay tuned for more details.
Quest for the Best is back! Get ready to show off your talents, under the Big Tent at the Sorting Gap Marina, on Friday July 22. Entry deadline is July 8. $40 for solo acts; $50 for duets. For more information, contact the Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce, or visit
All seniors are invited to play BINGO each Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the Fort Frances Senior Centre. For more details, call Cindy Noble at 274-7656.
The LaVerendrye General Hospital Auxiliary is looking for people to take the positions of President, vice-president and special events co-ordinator. We are also looking for someone who will do publicity. The Auxiliary is currently celebrating its 70th year of being active, raising money for hospital equipment. If anyone wishes to know more about the positions they can contact Jan Beazley at 807-276-1360 or
The Fort Frances Volunteer Bureau is seeking new volunteers. Pick up an application from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, call 807-274-9555 or e-mail for more information.
Are you a reader? Do you like books? Friends of the Fort Frances Library Technology Centre is looking for new members. Our mandate is to help the library be the best it can be. We support the library’s programming financially and by helping out at library events. For more information call Arlene at 274-5477.
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 29 is always on the lookout for new members! If you would like to know more about joining this group of fun and hard working ladies please contact Cindy Noble at 271-2021 or Joanne Gosselin at 274-5932.
Culturama is coming back! The Fort Frances Museum and Cultural Centre is organizing a revival of Culturama – a community multicultural festival. Organizers are seeking committee members and volunteers, or even just feedback on what you’d like to see! To be part of the Culturama team, reach out to Kayleigh Speirs, museum curator, at 274-7891, or check out the Museum’s Facebook page.
The Rainycrest Tuck Shop is accepting donations. Thank you to everyone who has donated in the past. The Auxiliary thanks you for your generosity. Residents enjoy having the ability to come to the store to shop and are always excited to see new items in the Tuck Shop. With spring and summer approaching, we are in need of new items: purses/handbags/ wallets, scarves, jewelry, medium and large stuffed animals, unscented personal hygiene items for men and women, socks, gift items and décor items that a resident might like in their room or to decorate the door. These are just suggestions and if you are not sure what to donate, drop by the Tuck Shop and talk to Gary. You can drop off items at the Tuck Shop or place the items (labelled ATTN Gary Tuck Shop) on the cart in the lobby.
The Seniors Companion Project is looking for volunteers for its friendly phone call program. Take a little time out of your week to alleviate loneliness in a senior – and even yourself! Training and full support are provided. Call Andrea Avis at 271-6370, or e-mail Seniors looking to receive friendly calls can use the same phone number to sign up.
Best for Kitty is in desperate need of foster homes to provide a safe and loving environment, while kittens and cats await their forever homes. Full support and supplies are provided. For more information on what’s involved, or to volunteer, e-mail
The Fort Frances Meals on Wheels is seeking volunteer drivers to deliver meals to seniors. To join in, or get more information, call the Riverside Community Support Services at 274-2244.