Around Town


Sips of History: Beer Pairing and Brewing Tales will be held February 8 from 5-8 p.m. at Hallett Brewing. Brought to you by the Fort Frances Museum and Cultural Centre, with food provided by Eat Best Catering. Enjoy learning about the 100 year history of beer brewing in Fort France while enjoying locally brewed beers paired with delicious small servings of food, including four savoury dishes and a delicious dessert. First, enjoy a flight of 4 beers paired with a 4 savoury dishes. Then listen to a talk about the history of brewing in Fort Frances artifacts related to brewing from the museum’s collection. Finally, a beer paired with a delicious dessert will close out your night. Open to those 19 years of age and older and is limited to 30 spaces. Cost is $60 per person. A link to register is available on the Fort Frances Museum and Cultural Centre’s Facebook page – deadline is January 31.


Join SGEI in the Rainy Lake Campus Makerspace on February 5 and 12 for our weekly sewing club! This month, create your own quilted heart coasters. Learn more online at

The Nordic Nuggets Loppet will be held Sunday, February 9 starting at 11 a.m. Registration is open at 10:30 a.m., at the Rainy Lake Nordic Ski Club. All ages and skill levels welcome! Come for the fun, fresh air and great prizes! There will be a 2 Km classic and a 5 Km classic or skate-ski. For more information, check out the Rainy Lake Nordic Ski Club Facebook page.

The Cookbook Collective meets every other Tuesday – the next meeting is February 10 from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. at the Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre. For more information, call 807-274-9879 ext 1614.

Join SGEI in the Rainy Lake Campus Makerspace on February 13 to learn about and create your own Woodland Art! Learn more and sign up online at

Sunset Country Jams at UNFC 427 Mowat Ave. Feb. 14 7-9 p.m. Join us for a night of local talent and open mic. Admission is free and open to sweethearts and family. Come listen, dance and sing. Drug and alcohol free event brought to you by UNFC health and wellness. Refreshments and snacks available.

Drop in to SGEI’s Women’s Hand Drumming on February 18 at 5:30 p.m. Learn more online at

Memory Lane Cafe is being hosted by the Alzheimer Society of Kenora Rainy River Districts on February 5. A warm, inviting space for individuals living with dementia and their care partners to connect, socialize and participate in enriching activities. It fosters a supportive atmosphere where participants can share experiences, form friendships and access community support. Cafes will be at the Sister Kennedy Centre, from 1-3 p.m. Future date is March 5. For more information, call 807-468-1516 or e-mail

The 55+ Movie matinee for February will be White Bird. The screening will be held at the Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre, Friday, February 21 at 1 p.m.

The CMHA is hosting a Monthly Men’s Group. Enjoy coffee, snacks and conversation with other men, in a safe place to connect. Everyone welcome! Meetings will be held at the HOPE Centre, 324 Victoria Ave in Fort Frances. Scheduled dates are Fridays, February 28 and March 28, at 10:30 a.m. For more information, contact Levi Morris at 807-274-2347 ext 202.


Senior’s Bingo is back! Bingo will be held Fridays at 1:30 p.m. at the Fort Frances Senior Centre. Cost is $2 for 10 games.

Winter and Spring courses will be held at the Valley Adult learning Association. Classes are all free! Choose from Excel, Cricuit, or Canva, or ask about online courses, one-on-one tutoring and assistance with your technology. Call 807-274-3553 or e-mail for more information or to register. Visit online at or follow them on Facebook.

The Healthy Living Food Box pick-up location will be moving to the Metis Hall, 714 Armit Ave from, noon-4 p.m., starting January 15, until further notice.

A free exercise class for men at the Fort Frances Seniors Centre is seeking participants. All men aged 55+ are welcome to join. If you’re interested, text 807-271-2021.

Lions TV Bingo – on Shaw/Rogers channel 10 every Thursday from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Cards available from the usual outlet including the Fort Frances Times.

Story Time with Miss Sam is held every Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. at the Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre! Story Time features a new theme each week, with carefully selected stories, songs and activities that will captivate and engage your little ones. No registration required. Perfect for ages 2-6 with a caregiver.

Baby Time is held Thursdays at 1:15pm (NEW TIME) at the Fort Frances Public Library technology Centre. Enjoy bouncing songs, rhymes, and plenty of smiles! Bond with your little one and connect with other caregivers in a warm, welcoming environment. Designed for babies aged 0-18 months and their caregivers.

Pokémon Club is held Fridays at 4 p.m. at the Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre. New to Pokémon? Learn how to play and develop your skills! We play Pokémon cards in the unlimited format, which means that you can use cards from any set to build your deck! Recommended for ages 8-14+. Please bring your own snacks.

Lego Club at the Library, every Thursday from 3:30-5 p.m. come build, create and connect. Compete in Lego building challenges, create unique builds and build big!

STEM Saturday is at the Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Stop by for STEM-based fun, games and crafts! Anyone under 8 needs to be accompanied by an adult.

Free Yoga sessions will be offered by Rainy Lake Zen Life Yoga, each Wednesday at 11 a.m. The studio is located at 600 hwy 11 (old Pinewood Sports building across from Badiuks). Space is limited, so please register first at

Stroke Survivors group– meeting the Second Wednesday of every month 10-11 a.m. Let’s have a coffee and talk. A good time to make friends with other people that understand what you’re going through. To register call or text Nathan Galusha 807-271-6262 or Shelly Jones 807-276-1319.

Tea and Tots, a drop-in play group, runs every second Friday, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at 605 McIrvine Road, in Fort Frances. Stop by, and make some new friends! Check out the Tea and Tots Facebook page for upcoming dates.


Calling sewers! The Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre is creating a Gratitude Banner, and needs a few extra hands to make it a reality. Crafting will be held Fridays at the SGEI Makerspace, from 2-4 p.m. Some sewing experience would be helpful. If you’re interested in helping out, call Holly at 807-274-9879 ext. 1614 or e-mail

The Fort Frances Legion Ladies Auxiliary to Branch #29 is seeking new members to join their dynamic group of fun, hardworking Ladies. If you would like to know more about this group, please contact Andrea at 275-8912.

Volun-TRY with the Girl Guides! Volun-try is a program that lets adults explore being a Guide leader. Age groups currently overseen are 5-11. Make new friends, have fun, and shape the future for a group of girls. Older groups could start with more leaders! To find out more, contact Monica Armour on Facebook.

The Rainycrest Tuck Shop is accepting donations– The Tuck Shop is open to residents, family, staff and visitors. Great items for donation are things like large stuffed bears, knick knacks, gift items and items for residents to place on their night stands or wall/door. Proceeds from the Tuck Shop go to the Rainycrest Auxiliary, which benefits residents. Donations can be dropped off inside the main entrance, labelled ATTN: Tuck Shop.

Rainycrest Auxiliary Membership – New members are always welcome and current members are reminded to renew their membership for 2024 dues are $5 per year and can be paid at the Tuck Shop or by calling 274-6954 (Judy) or 271-4114 (Donna).

Meals on Wheels – Seeking volunteer drivers. Contact Nicole Piotrowski at 807-274-3266 ext 4818 or by email

Best for Kitty is in desperate need of foster homes, to provide a safe, warm and loving environment to house casts and kittens, while they wait for their forever homes. Full support and supplies are provided. For more information, e-mail, or visit Best for Kitty over Facebook or at for more information. For donations via e-transfer, use, or donate through for instant tax receipts. cheques can be dropped off at Northwood Gallery and gifts. After the strike, they can be mailed to 308 Fifth Street West Fort Frances, P9A 3S1. Tax receipts can be issued for donations over $20.