Senior Centre BINGO – Has resumed this will be a 9-week session ending Nov. 10.
Cocoa Club at the FFPLTC – Cozy vibes, hot cocoa, popcorn and blanket forts. Every Friday starting Sept. 29 4-7 p.m. for kids aged 8-12 BYOB (Bring Your Own Blanket (and pillow)) A cozy time for tweens to just chill-out. Relax, colour, do puzzles, and get comfy in the blanket fort with your hot chocolates while listening to a story.
Bad Books Book Club at the FFPLTC – What makes a book bad? Is it the writing? The editing? The characters? The plot? Join us at the library once a month to discuss one new bad book. Starting Mon. Oct. 16, 6-8 p.m. 18+ event. See Facebook for more information.
Skate with the Lakers– A free family event. This Thursday 5:15-6:15. Music, Photos with the Lakers and more.
Muskie Football Discount Cards are here – Each card is $20. Available through the team or Touchdown Club, and at games at the concession stand. All proceeds support the team, to pay for equipment and transportation some great discounts at local businesses!
Music BINGO with the Kiwanis Club – Friday Oct. 6, at 7 p.m. Have fun and test your music knowledge, while fundraising for Kiwanis service projects. Fort Frances Royal Canadian Legion. $5 per card, cash only. Contact the Kiwanis Club for more details.
A non-denominational service, The teachings of Jesus – will be offered on Sunday afternoons–at 4:00 p.m. September 17, 24 and Oct 1 at Sister Kennedy Seniors Center. Everyone welcome.
Tour de Fort’s 30th Anniversary series – Continues with Sultans of String: Walking Through the Fire on October 19. Individual tickets are on sale for this show at the FFPLTC and Ski’s Variety.
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch #29 Monthly Supper – September 29. Doors at 4:30 p.m.; dinner at 5:30 Pork cutlets and all the trimmings. Dine-in or pick-up orders paid at the door or pre-paid, for $25/plate. Delivery is available, must be prepaid by TODAY Sept. 26. Only 100 servings available. For info or to pre-order, call Vicki at 271-3514.
Book BINGO – FFPLTC a new reading challenge for ages 18+ Read library books, fill out your BINGO sheet and be entered to win prizes! Pick up your BINGO sheets at the library or print from or our Facebook page. There is a seperate BINGO for 12+ as well!
Forget Me Not, Remembering our Fallen in the Rainy River District – A museum exhibit putting faces and stories to names of the fallen across the first and second World Wars, and the Koreans and Vietnam Wars. At the Fort Frances Museum until Mid-December.
Kids & Company ‘23–‘24 season continues October 19 – Andy G and Friends ‘Our Cat Flash’ at La Place Rendez-Vous. Based on Andy”s first children”s album, ‘OUR CAT FLASH’ … and children”s picture book to accompany it … illustrated by multiple award winning artist Helen Griffiths.
Weekly Creative Sessions with Judy – A FREE drop-in program for ages 18+. Mondays at the FFPLTC. Express your creativity with a variety of projects including sewing, colouring, painting and more! Session times alternate – please check our website or Facebook page for more information.
Luncheon of Hope – hosted by the Rainy River District Breast Health Network–Guest speaker Nurse Practitioner Annabelle Reimer, topic Pillars of Hormone Health. Tickets are $30 available at Northwoods, The Place, Shoppers, RefleXion Studio and LaVerendrye Hospital – Specialist Clinic, Emo Hospital, Rainy River Hospital – Reception. Mix&Mingle 11:30, lunch 12:30. Door prizes will be given out. For more information call 807-274-4817.
Cocoa Club at the FFPLTC – Cozy vibes, hot cocoa, popcorn and blanket forts. Every Friday starting Sept. 29 4-7 p.m. for kids aged 8-12 BYOB (Bring Your Own Blanket (and pillow)) A cozy time for tweens to just chill-out. Relax, colour, do puzzles, and get comfy in the blanket fort with your hot chocolates while listening to a story.
Lakers Need Billets – The Fort Frances Lakers are in need of billet homes for players for the 2023-24 hockey season. Do you have a room to spare and become a home away from home for a young hockey player? Contact Sarah Kivimaki 807-275-6991 or see
The Rainycrest Tuck Shop is accepting donations – The Tuck Shop is open to residents, family, staff and visitors. Large stuffed bears, men’s and ladies’ slippers, socks, hats, personal care items and items for residents to place on their night stands or wall/ door.
Rainycrest Auxiliary Membership– New members are needed and current members are reminded to renew their membership for 2023 dues are $5 per year and can be paid at the Tuck Shop or by calling 274-6954 (Judy) or 271-4114 (Donna)
Meals on Wheels– Seeking volunteer drivers. Call Sheri at 274-4818 for more information or email