Around Town

Flag football for ALL students in grade 7 and 8 in Fort Frances and Emo – starts September 5 at Fort Frances High School. Practices and games are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. for 6 weeks. No experience is necessary. Register online or call the Memorial Sports Centre for more information.

Pickleball will be available at the Memorial Sports Centre this Fall – Drop-in Mondays through Thursdays 8:30-11:30 AM starting September 6th. Please note that regular drop-in rates/memberships apply. Courts are used on a first-come-first-served basis. Equipment is not available. Please bring your own or borrow some from the Library.

1-stop registration – Come down the arena (IFK/52 Lobby) on Thursday Sept. 7th from 5-7pm, to register or inquire about fall/winter programs in the community. 10+ sport groups, clubs, programs will be on hand to answer your questions and help with registration. Visit the Kidsport Fort Frances Facebook page for a list of participating groups.

Exhibition opening – Forget Me Not, Remembering our Fallen in the Rainy River District. Friday Sept. 8 6-8 p.m. At the Fort Frances Museum. Coffee and light refreshments, admission free but donations are happily accepted.

Town of Fort Frances Public Budget consultations – Public meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 11at the Civic Centre.

Tour de Fort’s 30th Anniversary series – kicks off in just under a month with The Rowdymen on September 20. Series passports are just $125 until the end of the month before they go up to $150 on Sept 1st. Take advantage of the cheaper price at Ski’s Variety, the Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre, or online at

Kids & Company presents Th’owxiya: The Hungry Feast Dish – Monday, September 25th at 6:30pm Townshend Theatre. This Kwantlen First Nations tale follows a sly Mouse (Kw’at’el) who is caught stealing cheese from this feast dish. To appease an angry Th’owxiya, Kw’at’el embarks on a journey to find two children for the ogress to eat, or else! Season passes available to purchase online, at Betty’s and the Fort Frances Public Library. Individual tickets available online or at the door; ages 3 and under are free! Visit for more information

A new reading challenge for ages 18+ Book BINGO – Starting September 1st at FFPLTC. Read library books, fill out your BINGO sheet and be entered to win prizes! Pick up your BINGO sheets at the library or print from or our Facebook page.

Weekly Creative Sessions with Judy – A FREE drop-in program for ages 18+. Mondays @ the FFPLTC starting September 11th at 5:30pm: Express your creativity with a variety of projects including sewing, colouring, painting and more! Session times alternate – please check our website ( or Facebook page for more information.

2023 Terry Fox Run – Save the date and start your fundraising. The Annual Terry Fox Run will take place on Sept. 17 from 1-4 p.m. At the Sorting Gap Marina. Register at

Lions Club TV BINGO – Begins Sept. 7 at 6:30 p.m. on Shaw cable. Game cards are available at the usual outlets.


Lakers Need Billets – The Fort Frances Lakers are in need of billet homes for players for the 2023-24 hockey season. Do you have a room to spare and become a home away from home for a young hockey player? Contact Sarah Kivimaki 807-275-6991 or see

The Rainycrest Tuck Shop is accepting donations – The Tuck Shop is open to residents, family, staff and visitors. Large stuffed bears, men’s and ladies’ slippers, socks, hats, personal care items and items for residents to place on their night stands or wall/door.

Rainycrest Auxiliary Membership – New members are needed and current members are reminded to renew their membership for 2023 dues are $5 per year and can be paid at the Tuck Shop or by calling 274-6954 (Judy) or 271-4114 (Donna)

Meals on Wheels – Seeking volunteer drivers. Call Sheri at 274-4818 for more information or email

The Fort Frances Volunteer Bureau is seeking new volunteers. Pick up an application from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, call 807-274-9555 or e-mail for more information.

The Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 29 is always on the lookout for new members! If you would like to know more about joining this group of fun and hard-working ladies, please contact Cindy Noble at 271-2021.