Summer Fun Friday’s at the Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre – This Friday Luca will be showing at 1 p.m. Popcorn and other snacks will be available. Children under six must be accompanied by an adult.
Canadian Parents for French Reading hour – With the Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre to present a story hour en Français on select Mondays this summer at the Fort Frances Public Library for students in Grades K-3. The next story time will be Jul. 10 from 6-7 p.m. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Teddy Bear Picnic at Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre – Friday July 14 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Petting zoo, bouncy Castles, games, face painting and more. $5 admission for all over two years old. Bring a picnic or buy hotdogs for $2.
Free Day Camp–Northern Lights Day Cam is a 4-day camp for kids 5-13. 100 kids will get in free, contact Mark or Tina Mast at 807-852-3202 or at
Treaty #3 Anniversary Celebration Southern Region – Thursday July 20 9 a.m.-5p.m. At Seven Generations Education Institute. The day starts with a pancake breakfast sponsored by the Kiwanis Club at 8 a.m. Opening protocols start at 9 and powwow begins at noon. All dancers will receive honorarium. Take the opportunity to view the sacred Treaty #3 Document, learn the history of Treaty #3. There will also be vendors, information booths and children’s activities including bouncy castles.
Stompers and Chompers VBS – Presented by Victory Baptist Church. Dinosaur themed Bible Lessons, Crafts, Games and Snacks Jul. 24-27, 6-7:30 p.m. Ages 4-12 no cost to attend. Anyone with questions can contact Victory Baptist Church 807-274-1472
Tea and Treats at the Fort Frances Museum – Every Thursday 12-3 p.m. Hot and cold tea available provided by Smashing Tea as well as homemade treats, check Facebook for our weekly feature. Cost $4.
2023 Terry Fox Run – Save the date and start your fundraising. The Annual Terry Fox Run will take place on Sept. 17 from 1-4 p.m. At the Sorting Gap Marina. Register at
Tennis Rackets and pickleball paddles – Available to borrow from the Fort Frances Library Technology Centre. You can take them out if you have a valid library card and then play on the courts in town.
The Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship is still looking for volunteers Setup- we need fairly strong people to help set things up under the big tent. July 15 through until the angler meeting on July 19. If you have a few hours we need help setting up security fencing, hanging banners once the tent is up. If you have a few hours one of those days just shoot me a text Jeannette at 807-275-9229 and jump aboard the 28th annual FFCBC! We also need help Sunday July 23 to tear down everything. We have a few folks that like to work at 7 am or if you like you can start at 9 am. Contact the FFCBC on Facebook or at to volunteer
The Rainycrest Tuck Shop is accepting donations – The Tuck Shop is open to residents, family, staff and visitors. Large stuffed bears, men’s and ladies’ slippers, socks, hats, personal care items and items for residents to place on their night stands or wall/door.
Rainycrest Auxiliary Membership – New members are needed and current members are reminded to renew their membership for 2023 dues are $5 per year and can be paid at the Tuck Shop or by calling 274-6954 (Judy) or 271-4114 (Donna)
Meals on Wheels – seeking volunteer drivers. Call Sheri at 274-4818 for more information or email
The Fort Frances Volunteer Bureau is seeking new volunteers. Pick up an application from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, call 807-274-9555 or e-mail fortfrancesvb@gmail. com for more information.
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 29 is always on the lookout for new members! If you would like to know more about joining this group of fun and hard-working ladies, please contact Cindy Noble at 271-2021.