Education and Career fair–Hosted by the Fort Frances Campus of Confederation College. TODAY Wed. Apr. 5 12 p.m.-3 p.m. 20 organizations from the district will have booths and are looking to hire you!
Rainy River District Festival of the performing arts– Is up and running. Piano classes finish Apr. 5 with classes at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. and Instrumental class begin Apr. 6 at 9:30 am at Emo Christian Reformed Church. Check out the festival’s Facebook page for additional information about vocal and drama classes in the coming weeks. Admission to sessions is $2. The highlights concert is May 2 at 6:30 p.m. admission $5.
9th annual Kiwanis Easter Egg-Stravaganza– Sat. Apr. 8 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Start at Rainy Lake Square. Bring your own basket and camera for photos with the Easter Bunny. Pick up your map and proceed to participating businesses. Return with your map by 1 p.m. for prize drawings.
55+ Movie Matinee at the Library– ”I Wanna Dance With Somebody” A joyous, emotional, heartbreaking celebration of the life and music of Whitney Houston, one of the greatest female R&B pop vocalists of all time, tracking her journey from obscurity to musical superstardom. Rated PG-13; 2hr 24min Apr. 21, 1-3:30 p.m.
The Hyperrealistic art work of Cher Pruys– On Display at the Fort Frances Museum. The Exhibit will be on display until May 31.
Valley Adult Learning Association courses available–Cricut, Excel, Canva, Office 365, Mobile Devices and Basic Computers. A variety of dates, times, and lengths Call 274-3553 or see the VALA Facebook page for more information.
Cricut Design Space For Beginners–At the Fort Frances Museum. May 9 5-8 p.m. Recommended for participants who own a Cricut and do not know how to use it or if you are considering buying a Cricut. You must bring your own personal laptop or iPad. See The Museum’s Facebook page for more info.
Kiwanis and Senior Centre Bingo– Has resumed, 1:30-3:30 p.m. It will run for 10 weeks excluding Good Friday.
Genealogy research appointments– Are now available at Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre! If you are interested in finding out more about your family history please call 807-274-9879 or email to book an appointment.
STEM Saturdays– At the Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre. Come learn and do a fun science project! 10:30-11:30 a.m. Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
Story Time and Baby Time at the Fort Frances Public Library–Weekly at 10:15 a.m. on Wednesdays for Story Time and Thursdays for Baby Time. Story time is geared to children 2-6 years old and baby time from Newborn to 18 months.
Connect & Create– A free program for older adults at the Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre in partnership with the Northwestern Health Unit. Stop by the library for coffee, conversation and crafts! This 4 week program is every Wednesday @ 1:30pm starting March 1st. Please visit or call (807) 274-9879 to register.
Fort Frances Lions Club TV Bingo– Thursdays 6:30 p.m. on Shaw Cable. Bingo cards available at the usual outlets
Narcotics Anonymous meetings– Held Thursdays 6:30pm at 140-4th Street W. For more info contact
The Rainycrest Tuck Shop is accepting donations– The Tuck Shop is open to residents, family, staff and visitors. Large stuffed bears, men’s and ladies’ slippers, socks, hats, personal care items and items for residents to place on their night stands or wall/door.
Rainycrest Auxiliary Membership–New members are needed and current members are reminded to renew their membership for 2023 dues are $5 per year and can be paid at the Tuck Shop or by calling 274-6954 (Judy) or 271-4114 (Donna)
Meals on Wheels is seeking volunteer drivers. Call Sheri at 274-4818 for more information or email
The Fort Frances Volunteer Bureau is seeking new volunteers. Pick up an application from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, call 807-274-9555 or e-mail fortfrancesvb@gmail. com for more information.
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 29 is always on the lookout for new members! If you would like to know more about joining this group of fun and hard-working ladies, please contact Cindy Noble at 271-2021.