Rainy Lake Herald

The Seine River Gold Fields Being Rapidly Developed. One Hundred and Seventeen Stamps Will Soon Be Falling Around Mine Centre and Bell City.

The Seine River district is fast coming to the front and is now being regarded as the richest gold bearing section on the continent. Within a radius of ten miles from Mine Centre over one hundred locations have been found and some seven mines are either running stamp mills or installing them. Before snow falls there will be at least one hundred and seventeen stamps falling in this district and which will be supplemented next spring. A number of mining men and capitalists have recently been through looking up properties which is a pretty sure indication of which way the money blows. The HERALD is also in receipt of numerous inquiries as to the chances for investment so that things are looking exceedingly bright despite despite the Spanish-American war.

Supt. Watson, of the Standard Mining and Developing company has left on a visit to Minneapolis. He carried with him some rich specimens of gold quartz. Mr.Watson says the main shaft is now down eighty feet in very rich ore and that drifting has now commenced. It is the company’s intention to at once put in an air compressor plant and erect a 20-stamp mill. Recent assays of the ore show up very rich so much so that Mr. Beebe, the manager, says they would not exchange it for any property they know of. A large force of men are kept steadily employed and if the occasion demands it a night gang will be put on.

The “Alice A” mine owned by Superior capitalists is proving herself a regular “Homestake” mine. The sinking on the main shaft still continues and shows up a large body of ore. Preparations are being made for the installing of a complete air compressor plant and the erection of a 30-stamp mill.

The Olive mine is installing their new compressor plant and putting in the foundation for the new stamp mill, the machinery of which is now on the way from the Rand Drill Company, Montreal. The present stamp mill is busily pounding out the gold which keeps up its good record. This mine is a little wonder and when the full battery of 30 stamps gets working just watch the gold bricks.