Rainy Lake Herald

Several Thousand Acres of Farm Lands Over Ore Beds Have Been Purchased on Option. Mining Experts From Twin Cities Visits the Properties. Diamond Drill Steadily at Work Revealing a Rich Body of Ore.

The announcement in the last issue of the Times that a diamond drill was at work on the iron discoveries, just north of town, and the fact that some recent assays indicate a remarkable rich sample of ore has aroused considerable excitement, both in Fort Frances and International Falls. On Saturday last Mayor Colburn, Attorneys McPartlin and Kane, and Postmaster Llloyed of International Falls, with Olaf C. Damm, W. Cassaday and E. B. Northrop of Fort Frances made a trip out to the properties and were so well pleased that through Mr. Damm they have taken options on several thousand acres and at prices that would make the average farm look exceedingly small. The fortunate holders of these farms will get from $3000 to $6000, according to location and prospects for the iron beds underlying them. It is safe to say that not since the mining boom of 1895-6-7 has there been any approach to what will happen here once the outside world is apprised of the valuable finds. Experts from Mesaba range say that the iron found here eclipses any yet seen. It is of the pure Swedish variety, highly rich in manganese, and free from titanium assaying from 47 to 75%. A prominent geologist from the twin cities, who visited the property last week owned by Judge Fitch, said it was the bost he ever saw, and the mining men who have the agreement of sale covering the property now being tested say that if there is sufficient depth the mineral range in which it is found will exceed the Vermillion. So far the ore bearing range has been traced for 75 miles, clear from the Lake of the Woods to Bear’s Pass, and should the diamond drills reveal an extensive body of the ore this place will rival any of the Iron Range on Mesaba. Meantime every available farm in the vicinity of the discoveries has been staked and in many cases options secured. The chief operator in securing lands in O. C. Damm, our hustling real estate man, who is offering good prices on option for all farms and land he can get on the new range. In next week’s issue we expect to report pretty fully as to what has been done this week in the line of opening up the properties.