Giant Industries Employing Thousands of Men with Payroll of Nearly $2,000,000

Fort Frances Times and Rainy Lake Herald

Big Pulp and Paper Mills now building at Fort Frances indicate the future Prosperity of our Town. Large Sawmills to be in operation everyday in the year shows Fort Frances will soon be important city.

Fort Frances, after many years, has at last come into it’s own. The gigantic waterpower, furnished by the Couchiching falls has been harnessed and the first industry to be located to use its power in Fort Frances is now under way. The accompanying illustration shows a view of the big new paper mll under construction by the Ont. & Minn. Power company. This mill, when completed, will be so far the mill west of the Canadian Soo in Canada. It will be modern in every respect and the beginning of what will develop into a huge paper industry. The following description of the new mill and its dimensions will be of interest:

  • Boiler Room — 72 ft. x 72 ft. One storey high; stone, brick and steel construction. Containing four 400 H. P. boilers.
  • Pump Room — 30 x 72 ft.; two stories high; boiler feed pumps, blowers for boilers and smoke stack. Upper floow reserved for wet machines. Building of stone, brick and reinforced concrete.
  • Machine Room — 90 x 227 ft. 6 inches, two stories high. Built of stone, brick, reinforced concrete and steel trusses. Basement 22 feet high, containing suction and stock pumps, heaters and Jordan engines, also 2 500 H. P. steam engines for driving paper machines. Upper floor 34 ft. high, containing two 186 inch paper machines; capacity 60 tons each in 24 hours. Each machine has eight screens locate at wet end,
  • Finishing Room — 109 x 96 ft.; four stories. Built of stone, brick, and reinforced contrete 67 ft. high Basement containing blowers for heating and ventilating mill, also machine and repair shop. First floor is used for finishing paper (wrapping). Two top floors will be used for storing paper.
  • Screen Room — (west of machine room) 55 x93 ft.; two stories 40 ft. each. Built of concrete and refinforced concrete. Basement contains stock chests and pumps. First floor contains screens for ground screens for ground wood, pulp, decker machines for ground wood, and sulphite.
  • Wood Room — (South of Church St.) 48 x120ft,; one story, 18 ft, high. Contains saws, barkers and conveyors to prepare the wood for grinding room.

The total length of the mill, excepting ward room id 466 ft. 6 inches; width, 72 ft., at south end 151 ft. including screen room; 96 ft. at machine room and finishing room. Between mahcine room and Canadian Northern tracks are switching tracks and track with platform for loading finished paper.

The mill is to be completed in July and will be operated continuously. 100,000 cords of spruce wood will be required to feed it each year which will afford a market to the settlers for their pulp wood and give a steady employement to hundreds of men.