Mrs. Jamieson who resides in the vicinity of Flanders was reported to have been robbed with violence at her home Saturday night.
Three men were said to have thrown a sheet over her head when she entered her the house and when she refused to tell them where her money was kept, the assailants are said to have set papers on fire and burned her arm and later set her on a hot stove burning her body both front and back, and also burner her hands on the stove to force her to tell them where she kept her money.
After burning her terribly one of the trio suggested that they ” see how much water she could stand,” Mrs. Jamieson related in describing the terrible treatment she was forced to undergo. However one of them men said “no” and she was thrown into the root cellar where two of her boys, aged 10 and 12 had already been imprisoned by the trio.
One of the children dug his way out through the earth roof and ran to Flanders station where police were notified.
Residents of Flanders were immediately rushed to the rescue of Mrs. Jamieson and administered first aid. She is now at LaVerendrye hospital, painfully suffering 30% burns. Local physicians are pleased with the first aid given which probably has saved Mrs. Jamieson’s life. She was brought to Fort Frances on freight train Saturday, when the Canadian National Railway officials learned of the seriousness of her condition.
Provincial police have been notified and assailants have not yet been apprehended.