St. Patrick’s Day celebrations abound

Dave Ogilvie
Emo correspondent

People from across the district were busy over the weekend with all kinds of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.

The Emo and District Hospital Auxiliary held its annual “Shamrock Tea” on Friday. A good crowd was on hand and many took advantage of the many home-made baked goods available.

The winner of the door prize was Sheila Polkinghorn while the console table was won by Holly Witherspoon.

Tickets on the console table definitely were the hot item of the day, with a large amount of money raised for auxiliary projects. Two new beds and air-assisted mattresses have been ordered for the Emo Health Centre.

The auxiliary members would like to thank everyone who attended, who donated baking, and who made the afternoon event such a great success.

Festivities then continued Friday evening with a special Irish night at the “Country Jam,” which was held as usual in the Emo Legion. A good-sized crowd was out to enjoy the music and dance the night away.

Everyone loved the enthusiasm of a group of younger dancers, who especially enjoyed many of the dances, including the “Chicken Dance.”

Although there only were four musicians on hand, they entertained the crowd with a wide variety of music, beginning with some Irish tunes.

Many churches also got involved with the theme of the day. Knox United in Emo, for instance, began their service with an Irish sing-a-long while a couple of members of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Fort Frances tried to out-do each other with a bit of a costume competition.

Finally, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Emo, true to its name, provided a first-class roast beef supper, complete with all the fixings, for a large, enthusiastic crowd. Everyone enjoyed the food, the fellowship, and the entertainment that followed.

Three members of the “Country Jam” crew provided the music for a short Irish sing-a-long, including some humorous jokes by emcee Mary Curtis.

Grace before the meal, in Gaelic, was a taped version provided by Neil Grant, who unfortunately was in the hospital and could not attend.

Those in attendance signed a card wishing him good health and a speedy recovery.

A reminder that the churches of Emo are hosting a five-week Lenten worship series with a soup-and-sandwich lunch.

The services will take place each Wednesdays at noon at Knox United. The cost is only a $4 donation for lunch, with the proceeds going to the United Church Mission & Service Fund and a local project.

The remaining schedule is as follows: March 27 (Rev. Frances Flook), April 3 (Rev. Ralph Fluit), and April 10 (Rev. Kasey VanderVeen).

All are welcome to attend!