Starting a trend

Dear Mr. Editor:
Your paper last week carried the obituary for Don McNabb, and I noticed it mentioned the fact that for some time he trucked milk to Kenora.
I would like to elaborate a little on this part of his life. This was in his younger days, in fact more than 40 years ago. Before that, no milk went from this district to Kenora.
Don became aware that at Kenora there may be a market for some milk so he loaded up some cans from him and some neighbours whenever he got a call for it, and took it up there–an all-day trip in those days.
Soon it became a regular trip, and after some time it became necessary for the dairy to put an extra truck on the road.
Thus, through Don’s initiative, agriculture in the Rainy River District received a considerable boost and I, for one, like to see that fact recognized.
Yours truly,
M. Zimmerman