Dear sir:
I am writing this letter on behalf of my fellow students at Fort Frances High School.
We, as students, value our education very much and feel that Education and Training minister John Snobelen and his government are depriving us of it early in our lives. I understand that our country is in debt, and that we need to cut back on the amount of money that we are spending, but truthfully, does Mr. Snobelen really think that destroying the funding for this province’s educational system will enhance our education?
Today’s students hold the key to this country’s future in our hands, Mr. Snobelen, and in order to keep this country a strong one, we must work together, not fight against each other!
Cutting teachers will cause an excessive amount of students to be in each classroom. This will result in less students getting the attention that they need. Good students will probably receive no recognition for the hard work that they accomplish because the teacher will be busy with students who are having trouble with the assignments.
The high number and varied range of ability of students will cause classrooms to become chaotic now that your government has decided to cut teaching assistants.
Lunch room supervisors, bus drivers, and janitorial staff may not seem important to you but to the students they play a big role in the educational scene. School bands, drama clubs, and sports are very important to students. They keep the school a happy and exciting place to be.
Cutting resources for these will affect the attitudes of students towards school. More of them will become drop-outs and end up working at a fast-food restaurant or even worse–on welfare.
Please take me seriously, Mr. Snobelen, when I say that while you might think cutting education will help us now, in the long run you’re digging this country’s grave.
Sincerely concerned,
Erika Fagerdahl
Grade 9, FFHS