Birch Bark Yarns is (virtually) hosting the Fall Fair Isle Knit- A-Long! The Knit-a-long is free and open to everyone! Beginners & Expects are welcome! The suggested pattern is a tuque (beanie) using Fair Isle knitting techniques. To join us, join the “Fall Fair Isle KAL” Facebook group. More details are available on the group page as well as on our Facebook Page @birchbarkyarnsco. The Knit-a-long will run from Oct 15-Nov 15.
Samaritan’s Purse “Christmas Child Shoe Boxes” are ready for pick-up at Lowery’s and The Bargain Shop. Fill a box to brighten the life of a child.
Tour De Fort will be holding their Annual General Meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at the Super 8 in Fort Frances. New members are welcome. Photo I.D. and proof of vaccination are required to attend.
The Valley Adult Learning Association is holding a Basic Computer Class, open to everyone aged 16-64. Proof of Vaccination required. The class is free of charge, and will run each Thursday at 1:30-3 p.m. for five weeks beginning October 14. To register, visit or call 274-3553.
United Native Friendship Centre will be holding their 50th Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, October 20, at 5 p.m., at La Place Rendez-Vouz, with dinner followed by the meeting.
The Rainy River Federation of Agriculture will be holding its annual Dinner and AGM. Saturday October 23 at 5:30 p.m., at the Stratton Millennium Hall. Tickets are $20. Call Lisa Teeple at 487-2340.
The Rainy River District Victims Services Program is hosting its Annual General Meeting, Wednesday October 27 at noon. Due to COVID restrictions, in-person attendance is limited to board members and staff. To join via teleconference, call 274-5687 for details.
The Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary to branch #29 is offering a cutlet dinner with all the trimmings delivered November 6. $20 prepaid. Deadline to order is October 30. Call Josie at 276-3293.
The Right Relations Circle meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Fort Frances Museum & Cultural Centre at 10 a.m. – EVERYONE WELCOME. This community group is commit- ted to improving settler-Indigenous relations in the Rainy River District (Treaty 3 territory) through education, outreach, sharing, and advocacy on issues of reconciliation, diversity, and inclusion.
All seniors are invited to play BINGO each Friday at 1:30 p.m. Participants must show proof of full vaccination. For more details, call Cindy Noble at 274-7656.
Victory Baptist Church is holding a kids’ club for ages 4-12. Awana Clubs has games, bible memory, food and lessons for life to help kids live in hope, not fear. The club will meet Thursday nights until December 8, from 6-7 p.m. Call 274-1472 to join.
Fort Frances Minor Hockey is seeking senior and junior referees for the upcoming season. Experience an asset, but training available. Criminal record check required. For more, call Matt McLellan at 271-4411.
Valley Adult Learning Association will be holding a Basic Computer Class on Thursdays from 1:30-3 p.m., beginning October 14. No fee. Proof of vaccination required. Call 274-3553 to register.
Riverside Foundation for Health Care October 50/50 tickets are available! Don’t miss out! Five chances for $5, 20 chances for $10 and the best deal of 100 chances for $20. Get your tickets now at or call the Foundation Office at 807-274-4803 to make arrangements for offline payment. Every dollar raised will go towards the $1.5-million Picture This diagnostic imaging campaign.
Manitou Mounds has re-opened to the public! The restaurant and gift shop are open, along with indoor and outdoor tours, which must be booked ahead of time, and reservations are preferred for the restaurant. To book, call 807-483-11163.
Join the Air Cadets! If you’re between the ages of 12 and 18, enjoy outdoor survival, marksmanship, shorts, planes and having fun, this is the place for you! Registration is free – join anytime. For more information, contact the Squadron at 908aircadets@ Visit to learn more about the Cadet program.
The Fort Frances EarlyON Centre has re-opened programming to in-person outdoor events! Each week brings new activities, staged at area parks. Activities include picnics, craft time, open play, and other events. To see the week’s offerings, and how to register your child for some fun outdoor play time with other kids, visit the Fort Frances EarlyON Centre on Facebook.
Volunteer opportunities
The Fort Frances Lakers are looking for billet families and a billet coordinator, to provide a home away from home for players. To join, or just to find out what’s involved, call Sarah at 275-6991.
Rainy River District Victim Services Program is looking for compassionate and empathetic individuals for our team of volunteers. Our volunteers provide emotional and practical sup- port to victims in their time of need. Individuals in all major centers of the District (Atikokan, Fort Frances and Rainy River) are encouraged to apply. Free specialized training is included and involves 30 online hours (work at your own pace) and 10 hours of in house certificate training based on Ministry Standards. For more information please visit, call 274-5687 or stop by our office at 334 Scott Street.
The FORT FRANCES VOLUNTEER BUREAU (FFVB) is accepting applications for membership renewals and new member volunteers. If you are a volunteer or someone interested in volunteering and believe in the positive impact volunteers have on our community, please pick up an application form at the FFVB (open 11:00 am to 3:00 pm daily) or send an email to requesting an application form.
The WWRD Lions Club is seeking new members. They meet the second Tuesday of each month at the Rainy River Evangelical Covenant Church. Fort more information, contact Secretary, Peggy Advent at or phone 807-483-5403.
Best for Kitty is in desperate need of foster homes to provide a safe and loving environment, while kittens and cats await their furever homes. Many cats have had to be turned away from the shelter, due to a lack of fosters. Full support and supplies are provided. For more information on what’s involved, or to volunteer, e-mail
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 29 is always on the lookout for new members! If you would like to know more about joining this group of fun and hard working ladies please contact Cindy Noble at 271-2021 or Joanne Gosselin at 274-5932.
The Rainycrest Tuck Shop is accepting donations, with fall and winter approaching. The Tuck Shop is open to residents, family, staff and visitors. We could use large stuffed bears, men’s and ladies’ slippers, socks, hats, personal care items and items for residents to place on their night stands or wall/door décor as well as gift items and knick knacks. Residents are always excited to see new items in the Tuck Shop! Proceeds from the shop go to the Rainycrest Auxiliary, which enhances the home for residents. Many thanks for all donations received. Donations can be dropped inside the main entrance of Rainycrest, labelled ATTN: Gary Tuck Shop.