Road Construction The Colonization Road, first called the River Road was the first road in Chapple. It was constructed to encourage “colonization” and followed the river bank through Barwick and Roseberry townships. Initially it was probably a path used by natives during the spring and fall when the river was […]
Transportation: The Opening of the West
While the pioneers in Alberton faced many day to day hardships, actually getting to the region from Winnipeg and Toronto was more than half the fun. Picture thousands of miles of thick forests, marshes and bogs. No roads, no trains or airplanes that was their greatest obstacle. But there was […]
The Canadian National Railway station on Fourth Street West probably will be demolished unless a purchaser can be found during the next few months, the company confirmed Tuesday. David Dear, CN communications officer, said from Winnipeg the company of making a policy of not hanging on to such stations because […]
When a graceful Twin Otter, bearing the familiar orange, white and blue colours of Norontair, glides in for a landing at the Fort Frances Municipal Airport some 90 minutes after departing from Thunder Bay, it is a far cry from the early days when travel was by canoe over the […]
Large Crowd Attends Plaque Ceremony Ontario Premier John P. Robarts joined on the speakers stand at the West End Community Park Wednesday, by D. J. Sleeman, Patrick Ried M.P.P., Mayor Almo Marshall, Dr. E. S. Rogers, curator Ethnology Branch, Royal Ontario Museum, Mrs. Anna Smith, historian, Historical Branch, Toronto, former […]
Construction of Highway No. 11 between Fort Frances is and investment in the future, Prime Minister John P. Robarts, Q.C. emphasized in Fort Frances on Monday at ceremonies opening the 80-mile $20 million dollar Fort Frances-Atikokan highway and the naming of the $6.5 million causeway across Rainy Lake as the […]
The Chamber of Commerce ceremonies to officially mark the commencement of work on the five million dollar Rainy Lake causeway went off with a bang at three o’clock yesterday afternoon- a Big Bang- literally, as well as figuratively. About 175 to 200 persons, representing communities throughout the whole district of […]
With a flying club now in existence in Fort Frances, this community is commencing at long last to become somewhat air-minded. First group outside the flying club itself to become infused with the realization of the need for an airport here was the town council in session. Tuesday evening, when […]
Opening Ceremony Somewhat Marred by Downpour of Rain“PROUD AND HAPPY” SAYS PETER HEENAN R. G. Croome Exshorts Hearers To Use Extra Caution On Highways. Despite intermittent downpours which drove the crowds to shelter during the day, the celebration built up by a diligent committee around the official opening of the […]
The Projected Railway System to Tap to Richest Country in the World. The Ontario and Rainy River Railway which is being built across the extreme southwest corner of Ontario, will connect the Port Arthur, Duluth and Western line with the east terminus of Winnipeg and Southeastern Railway, and complete a […]
The Rainy River Railway Receives It’s Aid From the Dominion Government On Thursday last the Canadian government submitted to parliament the proposed subsidies in aid of railway construction and in that connection have announced a policy that will be a source of unqualified satisfaction to the rate payers. In Plain […]
Engineer Wm. McCarthy with some forty surveyors and several tons of supplies arrived on the Str. Kenora on Saturday evening and left on Monday by the Majestic for Seine River. In conversation with a HERALD representative Mr. McCarthy said they would proceed to Mine Centre, thence north to some point […]