Winds were creepy in bush

This wind is not very enjoyable and I’m hoping it is gone soon.
We spent a good part of the weekend in the bush fencing and the trees were snapping off all around us. It actually was a bit creepy.
We were short a roll of wire, unfortunately, otherwise we would have had the project completed. I will finish it this week, with the only problem being the short amount of daylight hours after work nowadays.
I have to finish the electric portion of my new fence but other than that, I’m hoping my fences are good now until I am finished farming.
I told Maddie and Marlee that they will be in charge of re-doing the fence next.
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We had enough moisture last week that the corral was getting a bit messy with all the weaned calves in it. So once we ran out of wire for our fencing project, I decided to vaccinate and Ivomec the calves and put them on some drier ground.
While we were working with the calves, the cows came home for water, so I decided to Ivomec them, as well (Ivomec is a de-wormer).
Three cows didn’t make it home. They must have a sore foot and are having a hard time keeping up with the rest. It became dark too quickly, so I didn’t have time to go and find them.
I’m hoping that now that the ground is a bit softer from the moisture, these feet problems will be finished. This certainly makes up for the years I didn’t have any problems (it’s like the ’flu, it seems to be going through the entire herd).
Meanwhile, my list of chores is still long, so I’m hoping the weather holds off for a bit. The cooler temperatures actually are okay to work in, but it isn’t so nice if it’s raining or snowing.
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I’ve also been busy with data at the agricultural research station here in Emo. Our trials have different deadlines, and I spent a good part of my time at the computer getting data in and completed.
This takes a fair amount of time and we use two different programs to get things finished. It sounds like that will be changing for next year, however, so it will be a whole new challenge.
The top-yielding spring wheat was a tie with “HY162–HRF and Batiscan” at 69 bushels/acre. For Barley, the top variety was “HY101-6R” at 92 bushels/acre.
The top-yielding oat variety was “Dieter” at 100 bushels/acre.
All of my data will be finished and compiled into a booklet by the end of November. We haven’t even started to clean any canola, but we can see the end of all our cereals now.
The combine actually gives us some pretty clean samples, so that’s certainly a bonus.
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A reminder of the benefit dinner for George and Michael Rempel in Stratton this Saturday (Oct. 22).
Hope to see lots of people out for this!
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The final cattle sale of the year is set for Saturday, Oct. 29 at the Stratton sales barn.
Gemmell Lane Polled Herefords will be having a complete herd dispersal at this sale. Other breeding stock is booked, as well.
Following the lunch break, we will sell the breeding stock and then the protocol cattle.
If you have any questions, or some breeding stock you’d like to sell, contact sales barn manager Clayton Teeple at 487-1465 or 275-8188.

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