Tonight we eat!

With our centennial year just around the corner, there is growing interest in local history and the personalities involved.
So when my old high school English teacher, the late Alice (Morrison) Widurski, last week received the longest obituary ever printed here, someone suggested her father had been our first mayor.
However, according to citizens with good memories, this was not the case and our first leader definitely will be named later. Apparently, Mr. Morrison is best remembered as a local painter.
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With a potluck supper planned for Sister Kennedy Centre this evening (Nov. 20), it’s good to know that much of the spirit of that popular institution always revolved around good cooking—and that there actually is a popular cookbook bearing the Kennedy Centre name.
Contributing recipes were such well-known local ladies as Pearl Campbell (corn beef salad), Marie Labbe (cucumber cream salad), Florence Hicks (green garden vegetable soup), Eileen Barker, Annie O’Connell, Cecilia Armit, Donna Scott, Gladys Dandeneau, Sophie Grynol, Amy Wood, Margaret Cunningham, and many others!
That book is dedicated to Zelma Howarth and John and Mable Dick, who devoted countless hours helping to open the centre (originally called Pleasant Pastime Place) in 1967.
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So, we just get another Remembrance Day over and it’s almost deja vu time again. There’s an murderous bum named bin Laden spoiling our dreams, and someone else in Iraq also promises to shoot first unless we take action!
We really haven’t made much progress towards achieving our old dream of world peace, have we?
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To the best of my knowledge, cataract surgery is something like 90 percent successful and yet I’ve been crying over mine for two months now. My weeping eyes probably will correct themselves but don’t go for surgery expecting nothing but miracles!
This sorry column just happened to be the best I can manage under these conditions right now, but cheer up! If this situation continues, I’ll likely be forced to quit!
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Congratulated for achieving fresh celebrity status over Remembrance Day was popular Second World War veteran, Arthur (Doc) Johnson, this year’s cenotaph speaker, who conceded later he is still being shaded by an old Allan Cup hockey mate, Gordie Calder!
Simply because Gordie happens to have a few hundred more relatives scattered around and waiting for their reunion here next month. There’s away over 1,600 known Calders between here and Scotland!
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Then there’s Ted Martens, who refuses to accept an 11-month death sentence which already has been shortened by two months since doctors out west counted him out because of a lung problem!
Actually, Ted says he feels fine after losing a dozen litres of water from behind his lungs. Next, still cheerful, he will find out what they say about his condition down in Rochester, Mn.
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Now it’s high time to consider all the good news I encountered just this week when our weather turned out to be, by far, the best in all Canada and my old tractor started on the farm where a lady who looks after my housework returned after over a month’s absence.
So happy times are here again!

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