The Fort Frances High School senior girls volleyball team traveled to Thunder Bay over the weekend to compete at the St. Patrick’s high school 20-team tournament. The Muskies finished round robin in first place sweeping Hammarsjold Red (25-12, 25-9), Manitouwadge (25-18, 25-7), St. Patrick Gold (25-5, 25-11), and Dennis Franklin Cromarty (25-11, 25-13) schools. In the playoffs the Muskies swept Marathon, Hammarsjold Gold (25-22, 25-17), and St. Patrick Green (25-15, 26-24) to advance to the finals against the Westgate Tigers. The Muskies dominated this match and swept the Tigers (25-17, 25-12) winning the tournament.
The Muskies are currently 8-0 in league play and have their final league game today at Fort High against the Beaver Brae Broncos.