Meet the Emo Fair Queen contestants

Four contestants have stepped up to compete for the title of Fair Queen for the Rainy River Valley Agricultural Society’s Fall Fair. Over the next few weeks, follow along as they enjoy the adventure together! Each contestant has made a sash, featuring their sponsor. Throughout the summer, they’ll take part in several events and challenges, leading up to the crowning ceremony, so watch for them out in the district, and in the Times, over the coming weeks.

Rilee Armstrong

Sponsor: RPM Powersports

My name is Rilee Armstrong, I am 16 years old and live in Alberton, Ontario. I live with my parents Matt and Nikki and my brother Noah. We have three rescue cats as well as a dog. I will be in Grade 11 this fall at Fort Frances High School. In my spare time, I enjoy playing basketball as a Muskie and am in the Stars Performing Lines with Dancin’ with Darcie. I am also a FFHS Muskie Cheerleader, which is very exciting as the sport has made a return to the high school this past school year. I am very much looking forward to getting to know my fellow contestants and developing lasting friendships with the girls. The Emo Fair is a long-standing staple and tradition in our district, and I am honoured to be a 2023 Emo Fair Queen contestant. As a contestant, I look forward to gaining many life skills by participating in the competition. A big thank you goes out to my sponsor RPM Powersports and the Emo Fair Queen Committee for all their support and making this opportunity possible.

Wishing my fellow contestants, the best of luck! 

Isabelle Meeks

Sponsor: Batter and Cream Baking Co.

I am Isabelle Meeks, an honours student at Fort Frances High School. As I embark the eleventh grade, I carry a dream. It’s a dream to go into the medical field, or more specifically surgery while specializing in orthopaedics. Currently, I find myself in a month-long high-achievers’ haven, the SHAD program at Toronto Metropolitan University. This experience has allowed me to continue being ambitious, helping to solidify my future career goals and aspirations. Beyond academics, my heart finds peace in giving back to the community. You may have witnessed me coaching youth in various sports, just one area where I find profound fulfilment through volunteering. As I have begun running for Emo Fair Queen, it is safe to say it would not be possible without the abundant support of my sponsor, the baker extraordinaire, Chantal Derendorf. Her business, Batter & Cream Baking Co., has showered me with boundless encouragement. I wish the best of luck to the other contestants. I cannot wait to become even closer and am beyond ecstatic to create everlasting friendships with all of these fantastic ladies.

Tatum Martin

Sponsor: Lowey’s Greenhouse

Hello everyone! My name is Tatum Martin, I am 17 years old, and I am going into grade 12 at FFHS this fall. I grew up in Emo alongside my older sister Star, and younger brother

Malcolm. My parents are Lindsey and Terry Martin. During my spare time, I love to spend time with my friends and family being out on the lake, and spending quality time. Recently, I have decided to join the cheer team at FFHS. I am a multi-sport athlete, and I play FFHS Muskie soccer. I fell in love with sports at a very young age however, I also enjoy musical theatre, as I participated in the Mean Girls Musical at my school, and I enjoy singing, and playing the ukulele. I would like to thank my sponsor Lowey’s Greenhouse for all they have done to support me, my supportive family, and all of you for supporting me in this amazing opportunity. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who is a part of the Emo Fair Queen committee, and good luck to all of the other contestants!

Kali Tessier

Sponsor: Emo Speedway

Hello Emo and surrounding communities! My name is Kali Tessier and one of this year’s Emo Fair Queen Contestants. I am 15 years old and going into Grade 10 at FFHS in the fall. I have grown up in Devlin all my life with my mom, Jody and my older brother Dylan. Last winter, we got a new puppy and her name is Clover. Although she can be a total dork sometimes, she still finds a way to always be on my good side.  In my spare time, I enjoy being outside, playing sports, and spending time with my older brother. In past years, I have spent lots of time at motocross tracks in Ontario, Manitoba, and Minnesota. I also have cursed my mom with practically living in hockey rinks for the past 14 years, after my brother made me fall in love with the sport. I would like to give a big thanks to Trisha Wood for helping me create my banner, and of course my wonderful sponsor Emo Speedway. I also would like to take a moment to appreciate my amazing mom, I couldn’t go through this Fair Queen journey without you! Thank you to my fellow contestants, I’m looking forward to making more memories with you all as the summer goes on. I would also like to thank last year’s royalty for their guidance. The girls and I truly appreciate all your help. Last but not least, thank you to Sis and the Emo Fair Board for putting this event together. I’m very excited for more memories throughout this summer and hopefully next!