Golf team nearly set

The NorWOSSA golf season tees off during the first week of the school year, so aspiring players have been hitting the links all summer and checking in with co-coach (and golf pro at Heron Landing) Brian Johnstone in hopes of playing for the Fort High squad.
“We were allowed to run some exhibition in the spring which is handy because all the American schools run their tournaments at that time,” co-coach Shane Bliss said. “It gives the kids an opportunity to see some different courses and play some tournaments then, so it helps to be situated where we are.”
Tryouts are ongoing by playing rounds at Heron Landing Golf Course and then reporting to Johnstone at the clubhouse. The first tournament of the season takes place on Sept. 5 in Atikokan, so having the team straightened out by then is obviously a must.
“He’s the expert,” Bliss said of Johnstone. “I can help out here and there, but I trust Brian’s expertise on giving the kids specific direction with their swings and that.”
Bliss is looking for the team to have a strong showing—but he would hope participation would be higher school-wide than it has been.
“Nothing against the golfers we do have, but there are excellent golfers who don’t come for some reason, as well,” Bliss noted.
“Taylor Jorgenson is a good example. He recently won the Kitchen Creek Classic and he hasn’t really committed to the golf team [in the past], but he’s a guy that could maybe benefit from making an appearance at an OFSAA event and getting some exposure.”
The team ideally looks to travel with six guys and six girls for tournament play.