FFMHA looking for AA coaches

The Fort Frances Minor Hockey Association (FFMHA) is looking for AA coaches for the U11, U13, U15 and U18 divisions for the 2021/2022 season.

Gordon Watson, new president of the FFMHA, said they are open to coaches with all levels of experience.

“I like to keep it generalized. There are coaching qualifications required from Hockey Canada. Obviously, there are security clearances required to coach at that level and experience is definitely an asset but other than that it’s straightforward,” Watson said.

Watson adds that they also provide coaching clinics for people who don’t have the right qualifications and want to coach.

Watson said since Fort Frances is a small town, they are not expecting many applications but said he is hoping to hire new coaches soon to get planning underway.

“We’re looking for a quick turnaround. We probably anticipate two to three applicants per division and we’re going to do the interviews on June 29,” Watson said.

Watson said they have a selection committee that goes through the process of vetting the applicants made up of non-board members and a couple of board members.

Watson said they expect the selection committee to put in their recommendations by the end of June with notification coming out early July of who were the successful applicants.

All coaches will require the online Respect in Sport or the Speak Out Clinic. Coaches must confirm with FFMHA that they have the level of certification needed for the division they are interested in coaching.

Watson said last season was a tough one for the league because of the rollercoaster of restrictions but that they did the best with what they had. As for the upcoming season, Watson said they are able to plan a little more freely.

“We just started so it’s going to be a little bit of work this year, but we hope to plan a good year,” Watson said. “We’re going to plan for the best and deal with the worst.”

The deadline to submit applications to secretart.ffmha@outlook.com is June 25.