‘Cyclone’ swim club takes shape

A new swimming club got a feel for what it needs to gain recognition at its first meeting here Wednesday night.
Calling themselves the “Cyclone Swim Club,” the group sent an application to Swim Ontario for official club approval on Thursday, head coach Debbie Murray said.
Wednesday night’s meeting, held in the boardroom of 504 Armit Ave., saw about dozen parents and swimmers come out to discuss a club name and choose an executive.
“We were really happy with it. It was very productive,” said Dawnn Taylor, a swimming parent who initiated the new club. “A lot of calls were made because it was a late meeting and some people couldn’t make it.”
Darryl Little was named club president, with Donald Taylor as vice-president and Kathy Jewell as secretary/treasurer.
A second meeting will be held in two weeks to plan some pre-season activities.
So far, the new club has recruited 12 swimmers for next season—halfway to its limit of 25. Membership fees have not been finalized.
“Once we figure out cost for expenses and pool times, we’ll know,” said Taylor. “I don’t think [fees] will be that substantial.”
Recreation superintendent Leana Moffitt said Thursday she was “looking into” the availability of pool time at the Memorial Sports Centre. The pool usually is booked due to Aquanaut practices and regular swim lessons.
Taylor said any interested swimmers should contact her at 274-2008 for registration information.