Welcome back to area students

Welcome back to students who have been furthering their education at college and university in other parts of the country.
They include Krista Smith (University of Windsor), Gery Foster (Mohawk College in Hamilton), Sheila Teeple (Peterborough), Melinda Teeple (London), and Kerri and Kendra Halvorsen.
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Margaret Rahn returned April 18 after a six-week holiday west travelling with her daughter, Lyn Dawn Ross, to Invermere, Nanaimo, and Victoria, B.C.
They visited Lyn Dawn’s daughter and her husband, Lisa and Pat O’Sullivan, and also attended a fabulous potluck birthday party for Margaret O’Sullivan’s 65th birthday.
Lisa and Pat, having a music band, had a group of about 16 children singing “Happy Birthday.”
From there by car through Golden and by bus to Nanaimo, Lyn Dawn visited her stepdaughter, Heather Ross, then her sister, Peggy, in Nanaimo and back to Inveremere.
They were fortunate in having good weather all the way.
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The next old-time dance in Emo—featuring music by Bill, Glenn, and Wayne—is slated for Saturday, May 11 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
At the Brink Center in Baudette, the dance this Friday (May 3) will feature music by Kelly’s Old-Time Band from Roseau.
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The North Branch cemetery clean-up is usually on the last Saturday in May.