Terry Fox Run coming up Sept. 15

With the annual Terry Fox Run fast-approaching on Sunday, Sept. 15, the Fort Frances Volunteer Bureau is getting the final details sorted out in preparation for the successful fundraiser.
“Things are going really, really good,” executive director Vanessa Hebert said yesterday.
“We’re not too sure if we’re gong to have the pre-run barbecue because there will be construction right in front of the Volunteer Bureau,” she noted, though adding most other aspects of the event—from rallying volunteers to people picking up pledge forms—have gone as planned so far.
The event will begin with registration at 1 p.m. at the Fort Frances Museum. The run itself will get underway at 2 p.m., with the route going from the museum to Pither’s Point and back.
Last year, more than 200 people raised $13,013.82 for the Terry Fox Foundation, which donates money for cancer research.
“I’d like to be able to get at least that much,” said Hebert. “But my real goal is to get more people involved, and make it stick in people’s minds that this event is an annual one that supports a great cause.”
One way people can show their support is by buying Terry Fox merchandise, like T-shirts and hats, to wear during the run. They are available now at the Royal Bank and Celeste’s.
This year’s Terry Fox Run is dedicated to Celeste Beck, the original owner of Celeste’s Hair Design for Men & Women here, who passed away from cancer in 1983.
Hebert also said she’s now looking for local businesses or individuals to donate prizes for the top pledge-getters.
Pledge forms are available at the Volunteer Bureau (located in the old CN station on Fourth Street West) as well as various other locations around town.
Meanwhile, Ed Katona, who biked from Fort Frances to Winnipeg and back last year in conjunction with the Terry Fox Run, is planning another ride this year to raise funds for the event.
This time, he’s looking at a three-day trip from here to Kenora and Dryden and then back. And after a story in last week’s Times, Katona has found someone to make the trek with him.
“His name’s Arnie Johnsrud. He’s from Winnipeg, but originally came from Stratton,” Katona noted yesterday.
“It’s all preliminary right now, but I talked to him the other day and he seems like he’s up for it. I’m sure it will make the journey more pleasurable,” he added.
“He’s one of these long-distance guys. He rode from Winnipeg to Chicago. I told him to go easy on me.”
Hebert said anyone else interested in joining the ride, or wanting more information about the Terry Fox Run itself, should contact the Volunteer Bureau (274-9555).
In related news, Pharmasave’s staff—for a second-straight year—is challenging any other business or organization to a fundraising showdown for this year’s Terry Fox Run.
Sabrina “Lightning” Stoessinger, a Pharmasave employee and organizer of the “challenge campaign,” said yesterday that they’re still looking for opponents after raising about $3,000 between the downtown store and Clinic Pharmasave last year.
Pharmasave’s first challenge was one between the two locations.
Pharmasave is challenging any group of people to raise more funds than they do by registration time—1 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 15. Those willing to accept the challenge can contact either Stoessinger or Nancy Kehler at 274-5383.
Both Pharmasave and Clinic Pharmasave also have begun accepting pledges so the public is welcome to show their support at either location now.