A bylaw that would ban smoking in all municipal buildings and vehicles will be voted on during Monday night’s regular meeting of council.
CAO Bill Naturkach said the town has taken the time to explain the proposed policy to all staff since the bylaw was first proposed at the July 8 council meeting.
“There were some concerns as to how it will be implemented. And people also offered their opinions on how the Northwestern Health Unit is doing things,” he noted.
Naturkach added it’s likely most municipal buildings will have designated outdoor smoking areas. Some, such as the Civic Centre and Memorial Sports Centre, already do.
If the bylaw is passed Monday night, anyone caught smoking in buildings or vehicles owned or leased by the Town of Fort Frances could face a fine of up to $300, enforceable under the Provincial Offences Act.
This would take effect immediately.
Meanwhile, Naturkach said council still hasn’t decided whether or not to implement a bylaw banning smoking in all enclosed public areas within Fort Frances, as directed by Dr. Pete Sarsfield, CEO and medical officer of health of the Northwestern Health Unit.
“There’s some serious things to consider that could impact the community, and it’s for that reason council hasn’t made a decision,” he noted, adding council has no strict timeline set to make such a decision.
Other business at Monday night’s council meeting include:
•a request for a special needs change room at the Memorial Sports Centre;
•the tender for Phase I of the 2002 road works repairs project;
•the 2002-03 per capita funding request from Ontario Sunset Country Travel Association;
•the tender for sanitary sewer rehabilitation work;
•a report on museum and historic sites at Pither’s Point Park from the Community Services division;
•results of a downtown parking survey;
•the tender for Phase II of the La Verendrye Parkway project;
•a request from the Rainy River Future Development Corp. to support the “Connect Ontario/Geo Smart” project;
•a request from the Rainy River Future Development Corp., on behalf of Bruce LaVigne, for permission to park his plane along the waterfront;
•a presentation by Bill Martin regarding waterfront dockage;
•a notice of withdrawal of two grievances by CUPE Local 65;
•a bylaw to approve a contract to award of tender for asphalt patching; and
•a bylaw to approve an agreement with Hilderman, Thomas, Frank, and Cram for a feasibility study regarding the “Re-Inventing Fort Frances” project.