Seniors’ group to address council


Town council will receive a trio of presentations from the recently-formed group, Seniors Retirees Against Pension and Elder Abuse, at tonight’s regular meeting.
Wendell Stevens will speak about the property assessment appeal by Resolute Forest Products Ltd., and how it might affect taxpayers, while Gordy Bell will talk about government budget cuts to Old Age Security.
William Krukoski and Allan T. Bedard, meanwhile, are slated to speak on changes in pension legislation and a protective workers’ rights bill.
The public portion of tonight’s committee of the whole meeting is scheduled to start at 5:55 p.m.
It will be followed by the regular council meeting at 6:20 p.m.
Other business on the agenda includes:
•the award of Tender 12-OF-01 (2012 road reconstruction and watermain replacement);
•the award of Tender 12-OF-02 (2012 Portage Avenue underpass pumpstation modifications);
•MNR/Town of Fort Frances Bear Responder Agreement;
•a request to plant trees on the town right-of-way on Crowe Avenue;
•a report re: New Horizons van grant for the Sister Kennedy Centre;
•a report re: 2012 surplus assets sale;
•child care service audited statements;
•2012 BIA budget and tax rates;
•a recommendation re: mayors’ coalition financial request;
•a recommendation re: the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship financial request;
•revised dress code, health and safety, workplace harassment, and violence policies;
•an update on capital projects;
•a break-open ticket licence application from the La Verendrye General Hospital Auxiliary at Sunset Schmiddy’s (272 Scott St.) from May 16-Nov. 1;
•a financial request dated May 18, 2012 from the Town of Atikokan re: funding for the advancement of development of a regional tourism route;
•a financial request from Royal Bank of Canada re: the RBC golf tournament on June 23; and
•a notice from Rainy River Future Development Corp. re: its annual general meeting June 12 in Emo.