With the deadline to file a claim under the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program (ODRAP) coming up tomorrow, the local office manager said yesterday that district residents have filed $5.28-million in claims so far.
“I’m sure we’ll see more than 400 claims by the end of today,” noted Ian Mollett. “We’ve also made $352,000 in advance payments.”
Mollett said the four adjusters on the job have been busy looking at everything from homes here in town to farms, and he urged residents to be patient.
“It will probably take four months to look at everything. For the last one looked at, it may seem too late,” he remarked.
“But there has been the opportunity for advances. And if they’ve really been hit hard, the adjusters can even adjust the baseline so we can see a solid amount payment up to 40 percent and get to work on the advance,” added Mollett.
He said it was impossible to know how long it would take for claims to be processed and monetary assistance to be sent back to residents in need. Victims of destructive winds in the west end of the district last summer had to wait until this spring to get their reparations.
Mollett stressed even though the deadline to file claims is tomorrow, provincial staff will remain busy at the office here, following up on claims and—of most interest to claimants—issuing cheques.
The district ODRAP committee appointed Cunningham Lindsey Canada Ltd. as adjusters for processing the claims, and they began their work here last month.
Claims can be mailed, faxed, or submitted in person at the ODRAP office (400 B Scott St.) until 5 p.m. tomorrow.
To contact the office, call 274-4700 or 1-866-282-9992, or fax information to 274-3800.