With numerous projects in mind following input from both consultants and the public, the “Re-Inventing Fort Frances” committee is asking the town set aside $80,000 in its 2003 budget so the group can start making those ideas a reality.
“We’re looking to get something is place for the centennial,” said “Re-Inventing” chair Susan Bodnarchuk.
“We know that council is recognizing the need to get something done,” she added. “They’re there in principle. Now, it’s a matter of funding.”
The “Re-Inventing” committee made its request, along with a presentation of Phase I of its plans, at Monday night’s council meeting, which was moved up a week due to the Christmas holidays.
Plans for Phase I include enhancements to the International Bridge area, with a mural on the wall of the “lap” building as well as signage to both welcome visitors and direct them after they get off the bridge.
“There’s quite a bit of activity in that little area,” noted Bodnarchuk.
“The focus is to make tourists feel more comfortable when they get over the bridge, and let them know this is a place they can stop,” she added.
Council passed a resolution to consider the committee’s request.
With a draft study to be completed by the end of January, a second “Re-Inventing Fort Frances” public open house will be held early in the New Year.
Also Monday night, council received an update on the centennial celebrations being planned for Jan. 1, including the Voyageurs Lions Club’s “Polar Plunge,” “The Great Centennial New Year’s Day Levee,” and a birthday party for any New Year’s babies.
In other business, council:
•received a verbal report from Darlene Morgan of the Municipal Property Assessment Corp. regarding tax assessment notices;
•referred a letter from Greg’s Recycling regarding servicing Fort Frances for recycling services to the Operation and Facilities executive committee for recommendation;
•referred a request from the City of Pickering for support of its resolution to stop Emerald Ash borer infestation to the Operations and Facilities executive committee for recommendation;
•referred a request from the Corporation of the City of Thorold for support of its resolution regarding returning Hydro One Networks Inc. back to a not-for-profit company and distribute any surplus earnings to customers as a rebate to the Fort Frances Power Corp. for recommendation;
•passed a bylaw to impose the 2003 user fee schedule for community services, waste management, and fire and police services; and
•passed a bylaw to approve an agreement with the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp. for financing Phase II of the La Verendrye Parkway project, with an amendment to the completion date (June 30, 2003).