More ‘Bear Wise’ funding for town

Town council will vote tonight on a bylaw to approve an agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources with respect to funding under the “Bear Wise” community funding program.
The agreement will see the town get $17,000 from the province to install 12 more bear-proof garbage containers in town parks and along walkways.
According to the agreement, these new containers must be installed before March 31, 2008.
Tonight’s council meeting is scheduled to start at 7:30 p.m. It will be preceded by the committee of the whole at 5:30 p.m., which will be in-camera until 7:05.
Other business at tonight’s meeting will include:
•a break-open ticket licence application from the Rainycrest auxiliary at the 364 Food Store from Dec. 16, 2007-June 15, 2008;
•a bylaw to reduce the speed limit to 20 km/h on Portage Avenue, from Third Street to Fifth Street, effective Nov. 26 (this amendment will remain in effect until Dec. 7);
•a bylaw to establish fees and charges for the costs of the collection of Provincial Offences Act fines that are due and unpaid;
•a bylaw to approve a contract with Associated Engineering Ltd. for professional engineering services resulting from a request for proposal (RFP-07-OF-10 was for an optimization study of the sewage treatment plant);
•a bylaw to approve an agreement with Chamberlain Architect Services Limited for architectural services for the Fort Frances Public Library/Technology Centre project;
•a report on the impact of changes to minimum wages;
•a financial request from the Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal for advertising costs of the MasoniCh.i.p. child identification program;
•an update of 2007 roadway reconstruction projects;
•an amendment to Traffic Control Bylaw 10/03; and
•CAO Mark McCaig’s purchase card expenses.