Kayla Mae Lauzon, the young girl who’s been thrilling district audiences with her terrific singing voice, will be off to Nashville to compete at a talent symposium Aug. 24.
To help her along the way, Barwick has planned a fundraiser smorgasboard, “A Night at the Bashville Opry,” this Saturday (July 20) starting at 6 p.m. in the Barwick Hall.
Check the posters, they are everywhere!
Tickets are available throughout the district, or by calling Ruth at 487-2605 or 487-9914. Cost is $15 for adults, $8 for children aged seven-12, and free for those six and under.
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John Vanderbrand is still nursing that foot. He spent some time in the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg, where the doctors did a skin graft.
He says it’s healing now.
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Gravel roads can be hazardous, especially after grading.
Last week, someone lost control of their car on loose gravel after the grader worked the road near here. Fortunately, no serious injury occurred other than a cut on the woman’s arm.
A wrecker pulled the car from the ditch.
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Dancing at the Brink Center in Baudette this Friday (July 19) is to music by the Sindelir Band. The next old-time dancing at the Emo Legion—with Glenn, Bill, and Wayne—is coming up Aug. 3.
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Mel and Levaune Shrum were at the old home place last weekend.
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John and Sandy Clair, with their two children, Jamie and Joey, are holidaying with her parents, the Joe Kozachenkos, for several days.
On Sunday, they, along with Tracy and Kari Hyatt as well as my daughter, Louise, and granddaughter, Susan Abey, with son, Dalton, gathered at Bob and Nancy Fretter’s to celebrate June and July birthdays with a picnic supper.