‘Community foundation’ looking for proposals

The call is out for written proposals as to how to spend $33,000 to help local families, children, or the less fortunate following the first meeting of the Fort Frances Community Foundation at the Civic Centre last night.
About 20 people attended the meeting, during which there was discussion over what to do with money from the Moffat Family, as well as whether or not a permanent committee should be struck to deal with spending the funds on an annual basis.
While ideas from a skate park to an “Early Years” fund through the MInistry of Community, Family and Children’s Services were briefly discussed by representatives from local churches and service clubs, those on hand ultimately agreed a decision must be made as soon as possible after CAO Bill Naturkach notified them the Winnipeg Foundation must have an answer from the town by July 8.
“The written proposals should come with an amount and an explanation as to why we should support it,” said Naturkach, noting they could include multiple suggested benefactors.
“The sub-committee will then take a look at them and decide what to do. A recommendation from there will be subject to council’s direction,” he added.
After this, the application will be sent on for approval from the Moffat Family, and then the Winnipeg Foundation.
The sub-committee consists of Naturkach, Shelley Shute of the local District Social Services Administrative Board, Capt. Eric Alcock of the Salvation Army here, Coun. Sharon Tibbs, Linda Hamilton of the “Community Chest,” and Mayor Glenn Witherspoon.
The deadline for proposals, which can come from anyone within the Town of Fort Frances, is June 12. Look for ads in future issues of the Times and Daily Bulletin for more details.
But the question as to whether there should be a permanent community foundation was put on the backburner.
“There appears to be a sense of agreement that this is something we could go ahead with. But we’ll try to get more people involved,” noted Naturkach.
Everyone on hand for last night’s meeting received an application to serve on the committee.
The money earmarked for the town comes from the Winnipeg Foundation, which is responsible for the Moffat Family Fund.
Last year, the Randy Moffat family donated $100 million to the Foundation to help families in 12 communities where the former Moffat Communications did business, including Fort Frances.
The town will receive such funding year after year.