Whether it’s figuring out ways to dispose of oil or getting funding for a “super dump,” requests of support from both the townships of Chapple and Emo are on the agenda for tonight’s council meeting here.
Chapple is asking the town to appoint a representative on a new committee being struck to address the issue of waste oil and filters being deposited in district landfills.
This came out of a meeting earlier this month where Chapple council, along with representatives from Morley and La Vallee, met with oil recycling company Enviro West Inc. to discuss the costs involved in having waste oil and used filters picked up on a regular basis.
The committee, which next meets Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. in the Chapple municipal office, also has sent out similar invitations to large oil users, JTJ Contracting, and Rainy River First Nations as well as all other municipalities.
Meanwhile, the town also has received a request from Emo for support of a bio-mass waste disposal and recovery pilot project there.
A letter from Emo Reeve Russ Fortier and Coun. Gary Judson said the Phase One feasibility study has identified the proposed site for the so-called “super dump” as having the necessary geological and geographical characteristics.
An application now must be submitted to the province to gain funding for Phase Two of the project, and Emo is asking all district municipalities for a letter of support to help secure this money.
Phase Two is a waste flow analysis within a catchment area radius of 280 km around Emo. This would provide data to enable councils to determine the cost impact of the current and projected regulations on infrastructure budgets.
Other business at tonight’s meeting includes:
•a verbal police activity report from Fort Frances OPP S/Sgt. Hugh Dennis;
•an activities report from Telford Advent, chair of the Rainy River Future Development Corp.;
•the resignation of Janis Lesko as chair of the “Re-Inventing Fort Frances” committee (this will be discussed in-camera);
•an update on the recycling trial run;
•a request from the Canadian Hearing Society for support of its proposal regarding provision of a barrier-free slanting handi-ramp to be located at 507 Portage Ave..;
•a report on the cost of demolishing Fort St. Pierre;
•an invitation for expression of interest from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the tax-incentive zone pilot project;
•a request from the Fort Frances Volunteer Bureau regarding waiving costs for installation of a new curb in front of the old CN station on Fourth Street West;
•a request for financial sponsorship from the Fort Frances Visserettes and Boys Club;
•a verbal report from Coun. Struchan Gilson on the Sept. 18 meeting of the Rainy River District Municipal Association;
•a request from the RRFDC to consider an offer from the Crozier Warehouse to purchase lots in the industrial park; and
•a request from the Rainy River Valley Field Naturalists for a waiver of tipping fees at the landfill following their third-annual clean-up of the highway and Rainy Lake shoreline.