Be prepared to have your taste buds taken south of the border Oct. 4 when the Fort Frances Times holds its annual “Chili Cookoff.”
But organizer Susan Martin still is looking for a few more good cooks to join the competition.
She said a total of eight teams have signed up so far, adding all entries—except for the Times’ team of Rosanne Kellar and Lincoln Dunn and the Town of Fort Frances—are new to the cookoff this year.
The other teams lined up so far include:
•Pwi-Di-Goo-Zing Ne-Yaa-Zhing Advisory Services (Connie Kress);
•Lakeland Personnel (David Laroque and Todd Hamilton);
•NorFab (Kelly Sigurdson);
•Sunset Country Ford (Maureen Calder and Cheryl Goldamer);
•Carol’s Canteen; and
•Lu’s (Luanne Caul)
A maximum of 12 teams will vie for the coveted “Chili Bowl” trophy.
Last year’s chili champs were the Times’ own Jennifer Dent and Kellar. The People’s Choice award went Phyllis Johnson and Marie Gregory (Crazy Ladies Fabrics).
Martin noted the cookoff also will feature the popular cake roulette once again, and everyone is welcome to donate baked goods.
She added the event is shaping up nicely, adding only some details—such as who will be this year’s judges—to be sorted out.
The cookoff is slated from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Times’ parking lot. Profits from the cookoff and cake roulette go to local food banks.
The first “Chili Cookoff” was held in 1996.
To enter a chili team or to donate a cake, call Martin at 274-5373.