Fall fair week is finally here

Fall fair week has arrived!
I take this week off from the agricultural research station here in Emo so I can prepare, including cows, baking, and a few crafty things for the Exhibition Hall.
My friends make fun of me for trying to do this stuff, but my Great Aunt Ruby instilled in me to participate.
It’s not about the $3 first prize; it’s about dragging stuff to Emo, participating, and finding your stuff amongst the other entries.
I’m hoping that Maddie and Marlee will continue on this tradition. They were out to practise with the cattle over the weekend, but Grandma’s new cat was a much bigger attraction.
I told Marlee that I was going to have to ask Monica and Emma to see if they wanted to help me instead and she replied, “They don’t even have a barn.”
This is my 30th year for exhibiting cows at the Emo Fair. I haven’t missed a year since the first one.
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We continue to miss the rain at the research station. We had a nice shower at home but nothing at Emo.
It is much drier in Emo.
Funny how they say normally the rain follows the river, but not this year. Hope this pattern continues throughout fair week.
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There was lots of chatter over the fill we had dumped here at the research station.
We lucked out that they ditched the entire stretch in front of the station, and we had some nasty erosion problems in our surface waterways that needed to be filled in.
The fill was levelled in these areas.
Of course, along with the fill came a bunch of rocks and people’s garbage, but we will work on getting things all cleaned up again.
We thank Pioneer for their help, and we’re hoping this will help solve water pooling in certain areas at the station.
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I would like to say hello to Myrtle Loveday, who just recently returned home from southern Ontario.
Myrtle ended up getting ill when visiting her daughter and had to spend some time in the hospital earlier this year.
She finally was able to return home!
Myrtle and Raymond raised their family out here in Kingsford Township and as kids, we loved to visit their beautiful home and large garden. Raymond always tickled and teased us.
?Wishing you all the best, Myrtle, and hope you are happy and healthy back here at home.
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The Rainy River Future Development Corp. would like to organize a bus trip to “Agribition” once again.
If you would be interested in going, get in touch with me at 482-2863.
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It was a busy weekend for me as I attended the wedding reception of Sierra (Woolsey) and Joe, as well as the wedding of Kendra Halverson and Chris Bodnar.
Kendra was one of our outstanding former 4-H’ers and is now a wonderful teacher.
I wish both couples all the best for many happy years.
I also went to Sha-Sha’s across the river for the first time. Maddie and Marlee rode with us and gave us directions, although Marlee was disappointed that her best friend, Damien, didn’t come along.
What a beautiful spot!
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Just a quick reminder that I’m planning a crop tour on Tuesday, Aug. 30.
Jack Kyle from OMAFRA is coming, and we’re going to visit Krahn’s corn and some pasture at Pine River Ranch,
The rest of the schedule remains undetermined. If you have something that you would like us to visit, please let me know.
I will be sure to let everyone know the schedule once it is all laid out!
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The first of our fall cattle sales in fast approaching. It is normally what we call our “yearling sale,” but all cattle are welcome.
It is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 27 at the Stratton sales barn, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
If you have any question, get in touch with Clayton Teeple 487-1465 or 275-8188. During the week of the sale, the phone number at the barn is 483-5354.
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I sure hope to see everyone at the Emo Fair this weekend.
And be sure to “Guess the Weight” of “Nutmeg” at the Rainy River Hereford Association’s booth!

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