The fourth meeting of the TWRS Rabbit Club was held at the Romyn’s house on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2019.
The president, Danielle Schram, called the meeting to order. The members recited the 4-H pledge.
The meeting minutes were read by Aynsley. Cale accepted the minutes as read and Bradley seconded the minutes as read.
The fourth chapter was about “Husbandry and Health.” We read about tattooing a rabbit.
We got to use tattoo pliers. The members put letters or numbers in the pliers that they chose.
The members each took turns tattooing a piece of foam paper.
Then the members had a work sheet on “Symptom Match Up.”
The members then were split up into two teams and played “Health and Husbandry Jeopardy” with questions about the chapter.
Then president Danielle Schram adjourned the meeting and refreshments were served.