Our community would like to extend sincere sympathy, concern, compassion, and all the other caring thoughts and feelings at this sad time to the Kellar and Shoemaker families in the loss of a son, brother, grandson, nephew, and cousin.
Also sympathy to all the friends, schoolmates, and teachers who knew and loved Jeff.
This is one of those times when words are difficult for all. But I truly hope all of those who are feeling a great loss at this time can gain strength in knowing you have a community that is holding you close in our thoughts and prayers.
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Congratulations to Ken and Randi (Carpenter) McCormick, who were married Saturday. A beautiful wedding, meal, and reception were held in Rainy River.
Best wishes in your marriage from your community. Here’s hoping none of the disagreements you “may have” are hotter than the temperature was the day of your wedding!
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Candace Grynol was honoured with a bridal shower June 27 at the home of her parents, Bob and Betty Grynol. Candace was visiting from Montreal, where she lives and teaches.
She will be united in marriage there Aug. 31.
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Another special congratulations is extended to Kayla Caul for the honour of being chosen First Princess in the Fun in the Sun pageant in Fort Frances.
I know Kayla spent many hours involved in this event from selling buttons to making her parade float, and a lot of other activities that are involved in such an event.
Way to go, Kayla! We’re all proud of you.
Also a big round of applause to Kayla’s mom (Jodi), who also spent a lot of time seeing this event through. Devlin now has its very own princess.
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Long-time residents of Burriss soon will be making their home in Emo. Liz and Gale Donaldson have been busy packing up and getting ready to relocate.
The Donaldson homestead is one of the original homesteads in Burriss—being in the family for 104 years—and that tradition will not be broken as Lee and his wife, Leanne, will be moving in and taking over the home.
We wish Liz and Gale (who happen to be two of the nicest people I know) a great life in Emo, and welcome to Lee and Leanne to their new residence!
It must be a good feeling to the Donaldsons to be able to keep their homestead in their family and something they can really be proud of!
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The winner of June’s gas draw at Dev-Lynne’s was Pat Selman, who won a cappuccino maker.
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Robin’s 2¢:
I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They’ve experienced pain and bought jewellery!