Dave Ogilvie
Emo correspondent
The Emo and District Hospital Auxiliary will be holding its annual Shamrock tea and bake sale next Friday (March 16) from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the health centre cafeteria.
Admission is $3 and everyone is welcome!
In related news, the auxiliary will be voting on amendments to its constitution and bylaws at their meeting on April 12 at 1:30 p.m. in the health centre cafeteria.
The Church of the Holy Spirit in Fort Frances will be holding a baked potato bar as a fundraiser on Saturday, March 17 from 5-7 p.m.
The menu will feature coleslaw, a baked potato with all the toppings, and dessert.
Toppings will consist of chili, salsa, sour cream, cheese, bacon, and chives.
Admission will be a free-will offering for the church’s “outreach projects” in the community.
Everyone is welcome!
St. Patrick’s Church in Emo once again is hosting a St. Patrick’s Day roast beef supper on Saturday, March 17 at 5:30 p.m. in the church hall.
Admission is by advance tickets only, which cost $15 for adults and $8 for kids aged six-12.
Tickets are available at Gillons’ or by phoning Joyous Bragg (482-2498) or Heather Oltsher (487-2253).
The annual “Lenten Lunch” five-week worship series is being hosted by Knox United Church in Emo.
Come and enjoy a short worship service, followed by a soup-and-sandwich lunch for $4 at noon every Wednesday until March 21.
The proceeds will be donated to the Emo and District Hospital Auxiliary and the church’s outreach project.
The Emo and District Lions Club once again is holding its “Lion’s Share Grocery Raffle.”
First prize is a $100 grocery coupon for 52 weeks, second prize is $500 in coupons, and third prize is a $100 grocery coupon (prizes redeemable at Cloverleaf Family Foods in Emo).
Tickets cost $10 each and only 2,000 have been printed.
They are available from the cashiers at Cloverleaf or from Lions’ members who will be sitting at Cloverleaf and Walmart in the weeks ahead.
The draw will take place Saturday, April 21 at 5 p.m. at the Devlin Hall, with proceeds will go to the club’s projects in the area.