Applications for federal wage subsidies are on the rise in the Rainy River District, with the Human Resources office here pulling in 76 applications from employers looking to hire students this summer under the Summer Career Placement Program. Fifty of those applications were from Fort Frances area (from Mine Centre […]

Bidding was strong and prices were high as close to 950 head of cattle moved through the Stratton sales yard Saturday at the second-annual spring sale held by the Rainy River Cattlemen’s Association. Buyers’ row was close to full when the sale started, with the first head of cattle being […]

KBHW Radio in International Falls will hold a charity auction at the Bob Walls Memorial Union Hall there to raise support specifically for the physical needs of its building and radio maintenance. “The facility has served us extremely well in the 15 years of our existence,” noted station manager Bruce […]

For the first time its 18-year history here, the annual ethnic celebration known as “Culturama” has been cancelled–a consequence of depleted volunteer and funding pools, organizers revealed Monday. “It’s just such an awful lot of work and there’s not enough people to run it. The volunteers are just tired,” Sig […]

With 46 of the 50 booths booked for the Lifestyle Expo, organizers are confident that’s a good indication of its success. Slated for Saturday, April 25 from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. at the Fort Frances Curling Club, the Expo will focus on the physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health […]

For Bill Low, it was just time to move on. The Rainy River High School principal had his retirement approved by the public school board at its regular meeting last week, effective June 30, after working 35 years in education–the last 28 here in the district. “Cheryl and I came […]

Volume is way up for the Rainy River Cattlemen Association’s spring sale Saturday in Stratton, with numbers up by about 400 head from last year. Cattle start arriving at the sales yard Friday, with the sale starting at 9:30 a.m. the next day. Russell Richards Jr., manager of the sales […]

The annual TOPS mini rally was held March 30 at Crossroads School. The room was decorated with a spring-like theme, as some members had seen to it to ensure the decorating suited this special occasion. This event was well attended by guests along with the roughly 30 active members of […]

Thirty-six students and five chaperones were involved in a “30-Hour Famine” on April 3-4 at the Rainy River Evangelical Covenant Church. Some $5,224.20 was raised for World Vision, a relief agency that provides humanitarian assistance around the world, noted Mark Mast. The money collected this year is to be used […]

The Native Physicians’ Association of Canada and area aboriginal community leaders launched an educational board game at the United Native Friendship Centre here yesterday that encourages healthier lifestyles among native adolescents. Dubbed the “Caring Together” interactive board game, it provides a context for players to explore, discuss, and develop informed […]

Are miracles for real! They do happen. The best present we, as a family, could have asked for was the recovery to full health of our newest grandchild, Christopher Paul Guba, who was born prematurely at the Dickenson Medical Centre on Sunday, June 15, 1997. A few days after his […]

“I came in without a fuss and I want to go out the same way,” said Adelia Guba. No balloons, nothing other than goodbye. On Tuesday, March 31, after her regular eight-hour shift, Guba left Cloverleaf Grocery with no regrets, bringing to an end 32 years of dedicated, faithful service. […]