No CN nod on RR terminal, but it looks good

While there has been no definitive word on whether CNR will reopen the Rainy River terminal signs that it will happen were apparent yesterday.
Officials from CNR were in Rainy River looking at accommodations for crews working into Rainy River.
Jim Feeny of CNR said that there is no word on when the study on whether to reopen the terminal or continue operating trains out of Fort Frances will be completed, but he did say Monday, “things will happen sooner rather than later.”
Last week Feeny confirmed that CNR is looking at switching train crews out of Rainy River for the first time since it ran through the community six years ago.
Problems with the border at Ranier, Minnesota and getting out of Symington Yard in Winnipeg have plagued the company’s ability to get trains to and from Winnipeg to Fort Frances before crews have to be switched.
When CNR ran through it had negotiated ten hour extended runs with the employees, but that still was not enough with the delays in both locations. CNR has had to pay taxis to pick up and deploy crews in the middle of trips on a regular basis.
Don Marquis of Rainy River said that there are only four or five places where there are extended runs in Canada and this is one of them.
It is expected that crews could begin operating out of Rainy River again as early as mid-August or as late as mid-September.