Field naturalists clean up Saturday

The Rainy River Valley Field Naturalists are set to man the Noden Causeway this Saturday with garbage bags and gloves.
“We’re going to start at 9 a.m., and continue until we get done,” president Bill Morgenstern said. “Anybody who wants to come join us is more than welcome. If there are other people so inclined, that would be wonderful.”
They will meet at the second island off the causeway and clean on both sides of the road up to Armstrong Drive. They ask people to bring garbage bags and a pair of gloves
Their previous campaign was done in late April in honour of Earth Day. Members of the club spent 40 hours cleaning and found everything from cans and bottles to old tires and waste
And people have been donating pop cans for their fundraisers. They most recently collected cans at the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship.
“It was really good at the bass tourney,” he said. “People were quite willing to pitch in. We had 58 lbs. in cans. It’s an effort and it’s given us some visibility in the community.”
The clean up is part of their mandate this year. Another goal is keeping track of local wildlife populations.
They also have plans for a “Bog Walk” on a section of land in Alberton near Whitmore Rd. and Peat Moss Rd.; part of the southeast quarter and part of the southwest quarter of section eight of the town plan.
Morgenstern said the field naturalists have been observing the area for years and they’ve seen many signs of life, including wild plants and animals. The proposed observation pavilion and information station would overlook a beaver pond, with tag alders and spruce on the other sides of the triangular structure.