For those not from Emo, it may be difficult to find the community’s public library tucked away above the Lions Park on Front Street
So at council’s regular meeting last Wednesday night, the Emo Friends of the Library requested permission to have signage posted around the village.
“They raise money for items not in the regular library budget,” Kathy Leek told council. “The library is a community access point and provides a low-cost way for residents, visitors, and tourists to communicate through the Internet.
“Everyone should know where it is.”
Leek noted she’s seen numerous people, including visitors, taking advantage of their services.
“I asked one person how they found the library and he said he saw a woman walking with her baby and asked her,” Leek recalled. “We are tucked in a corner and people can’t always find us. . . .
“And [the signs] will enhance the community we live in.”
Reeve Ed Carlson agreed with Leek and offered to have the community’s Public Works employees hang the signs once they arrive.
The Emo Friends of the Library would like to see one sign placed at the corner of Queen Street and Jessie Street, with the other possibly at Florence Street and Front Street.
“In a perfect world, you’d be able to see them from the highway, but there are so many rules and regulations about that it makes it difficult,” Leek added.
The signs were ordered prior to the meeting and are expected to arrive soon.
“I’m hoping by the end of the month they’ll be up and pointing the way to the library,” Leek enthused.
Emo council also agreed last Wednesday night to pass along the $13,000 from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to the Emo Public Library for new shelving.
In other business at last Wednesday’s council meeting, a resident sparked a minor debate among other community members regarding the fixed garbage rate for curbside pick-up.
“I haven’t put out garbage since before the fair,” she noted. “If I don’t have any garbage, I don’t see why I should have to pay for others to put several bags out.”
She suggested the municipality use a bag tag system, instead of the flat rate which recently was increased from $12.50/month to $13/month.
She alleged households depositing multiple garbage bags must be allowing those in the country to drop off bags at their place since these residents don’t have curbside pick-up.
Another resident countered the claim, stating households with four or five members most likely would have a few bags of garbage each week, especially if they are not recycling or composting.
“I know they should be recycling, but some don’t,” he voiced.
Coun. Ken Fisher said that although everyone does not use the arena, everyone still has to pay for it.
“It’s just the way it is,” he remarked.
Before the debate got out of hand, Reeve Carlson intervened, noting he understood the residents’ concern.
“We could certainly look into making a change sometime in the future,” he said.
Also at the meeting, Emo council:
•agreed to support the Northwestern Health Unit in its request to amend the Ontario Highway Traffic Act re limiting the number of passengers to the number of seatbelts in a vehicle;
•heard a report from volunteer fire chief James O’Sullivan;
•agreed to support a Municipal Internship Program initiated by the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks, and Treasurers of Ontario;
•approved relocation of the “Welcome of Emo” sign in the west end;
•authorized to look into using the east end of the O.P.P. building as a Contact North site;
•agreed to set a date with involved persons regarding issues with the Echo Lake Subdivision; and
•approved the 2006/07 Emo water treatment plant inspection report from the Ministry of the Environment.
Emo council’s next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. at the municipal office.