As previously reported in the Times, Chapple council defeated a bylaw on banning smoking in all enclosed public places in the township at its July meeting.
But council did adopt a policy that as of Sept. 15, all municipal buildings and enclosed spaces there will be smoke-free.
In other news, Jessie Ewald spoke to council regarding the possibility of opening an Early Years Centre in Barwick.
Ewald works at the Stratton Toy Library and if the centre was to open in Barwick, it would be a satellite of that office.
She added the province has indicated a proposal would be welcome and that if successful, it would be available for funding in April, 2003.
The parent board from the STL also has approved the proposal.
At this time, Ewald is looking for a letter of support from council to having an Early Years Centre in Barwick, which council agreed to send.
Meanwhile, clerk/treasurer Doris Dyson reported on the meeting concerning the Northwest Regional Disaster Relief Committee that she attended with Chapple Reeve Bill Clink.
Norm Hyatt was appointed as Chapple’s rep on the regional disaster relief committee.
Letters have been received from the Ministry of Transportation on Chapple’s request that Highway 600 be repaired to ministry standards, and also a letter from Lake of the Woods Township supporting this resolution.
The “Superbuild” contract has been duly signed and received back from the province.
Quotes had been requested and received concerning the Shenston and Richardson landfills’ closure and post-closure liability as required under the Public Sector Accounting Recommendations PS-3270.
A motion was made that KGS group’s quote of $3,000 plus GST be accepted to prepare a report on the liability for closure and post-closure care of the landfill sites.
Dale Smyk from Emergency Measures has contacted the Chapple municipal office and outlined the training programs being offered in Fort Frances in September.
Dyson was asked to contact Emo and express council’s interest, and that there would be at least three or four attending from Chapple.
Council also authorized Reeve Clink and Dyson to enter into an agreement between the township and CN Rail.
Also at the July meeting, Chapple council agreed in principle to the establishment of the Manitou Mounds as a reserve, subject to satisfactory resolution of negotiations concerning financial and administrative concerns.
Council also passed a motion that requested the Rainy River District Municipal Association establish a bursary to go towards a student entering medical school, who would be required to work in Rainy River District for a set number of years upon graduation.
The motion now will be forwarded to the RRDMA for its consideration.
Finally, Chapple agreed to the request from the Northern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) to donate $200 in support of Thunder Bay Mayor Ken Boshcoff’s campaign for presidenct of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO).