Attempted beak-in at Salvation Army

The local Salvation Army was vandalized during the early-morning hours of Saturday when a woman broke the window alongside the door to the Thrift Store, presumably in an attempt to break in.
Capt. Angel Sandoval said he and his wife, Capt. Marlene, arrived at the Thrift Store on Saturday to find the window broken—with blood spattered on the sill and door.
This is the fourth attack on the Salvation Army here in the last two years, and the second “major” one, he noted.
Out of frustration, the Sandovals purchased a video monitoring system last October after a person broke into their outdoor shed and ripped open all the bags of donated clothing that were stored there.
“It was a real mess. That’s when we bought the cameras,” Capt. Marlene said.
This lasted attempted break-in was caught on camera, and showed a woman breaking the glass pane beside the Thrift Store door. She tried to reach inside and unlock the door—only to find it has a key lock on both sides.
She left for a few minutes, then came back and tried to open an office window. In all, the woman appeared to have spent about 10 minutes trying to break into the building.
Some bags of clothing also were taken from the shed beside the door.
The Sandovals said they also found blood on the windows along the back of the building, where the screens were all broken.
Capt. Angel, who reported the incident to police, estimated the damage at about $400-$500.
Another attempted break-in more than a year ago resulted in the breaking of the same window, as well as other damage, totalling $1,200.
“It’s frustrating,” Capt. Angel said.
“That money could be used for people in need,” his wife added.
Sadly, this recent event only adds to the difficulties the local captains have been having this year.
“This year has been so difficult for the Salvation Army,” Capt. Angel said. “Donations were not only slow but poor for the amount of work we put into the community.
“We don’t know what causes this fatal indifference,” he added.
May’s Red Shield Appeal only raised half of the $16,000 goal to cover operating costs. In the first six months of this year, the Salvation Army already has spent more than $9,000 for those less fortunate in the district.
While donations of clothing are always plentiful, Capt. Angel noted many people are dropping off items that are not fit for resale. He asked that people only bring in clean clothes in good condition.
The unusable donations are shipped to Toronto for recycling. This past month, they received so many donations of unusable clothes that they filled three sheds and two rooms in the building.
“Never bring garbage into our facility. We have enough limitations,” Capt. Angel said.
“You can give love if you have love in your heart. We can help those in need if we have your support,” he stressed.
Despite the difficulties their ministry is having of late, Capt. Angel said he would rather not press charges against the woman who broke the window on Saturday.
“I want her to seek rehabilitation,” he said. “I would be more happy than sending her [to jail.]”